View Full Version : Ugh...

22-11-13, 00:24
So tonight im struggling, but not about my usual cardiophobia or anything. My boyfriend of 2 years had a bloodtest a few weeks ago, and he got the results. They were concerned about low platelets, and that's why they tested him... he hasn't told me about the results yet... I'm worried. :s

22-11-13, 00:49
Why don't you ask him the results?

22-11-13, 01:04
I have, He's busy... I'm just worried about what he's gonna tell me.

22-11-13, 09:20
Low platelet levels doesn't have to be the end of the world. My mum has a low platelet level and all that's wrong is she bruises a lot easier. As long as you're careful when doing anything rough you can live life normally.

22-11-13, 15:52
I have had low platelets on two blood tests and I feel fine ,so nothing to worry about :)