View Full Version : Tinnitus

Mr Mannering
22-11-13, 10:05
Wow Tinnitus really giving me grief today. I have an MRI scan at the end of the month which I know they are obviously only looking for one thing..:weep:. I do suffer from TMJ as my jaw really clicks and bangs so I am hoping the correlation is with the TMJ...Although Drs are not focusing on that... This last couple of days I have been going dizzy and the feeling of heaviness on the left side of my head and a dull ache all over which as a result has really made me feel anxious... you know, that all to well known feeling across your chest where you think you are going to explode. I find it very hard to function with this some days.

22-11-13, 10:39
Hi Mr Mannering I got tinnitus after taking seroquel ,its a loud constant ringing in both ears some days i can ingnore it but when im anxious its horrible.Its really bad at night when im trying to sleep but what can we do expect carry on ?

22-11-13, 10:42
Hi there,

Well I too have tinnitus and at one time it bothered me a great deal. If my understanding is correct, it is phenomenally rare that tinnitus is caused by a brain tumour which i guess is what you are suggesting they are looking for. In the case of tinnitus this is usually (although still very rarely) caused by something called an accoustic neuroma which is a benign tumour.

In tinnitus terms this usually causes tinnitus in only one ear. I would suggest however that a much more likely source of your problem is TMJ and anxiety. So try not to worry about your MRI too much they are simply trying to rule out a very rare cause.

22-11-13, 10:48
Whats is TMJ ? ,as I said mine came after being on seroquel which I have stopped but it has never gone away

22-11-13, 12:25
Mr Mannering - that all sounds really like TMJ, including the tinnitus. I'm going through something similar myself. Have you visited your dentist about it?

MrAndy - TMJ is short for temporomandibular joint, which is the name for your jaw joint. When someone says they have TMJ it usually means that they have some form of dysfunction of the jaw joint which causes inflammation and pain of the jaw muscles and a knock on effect on many other muscles in the head & body. It can cause many weird symptoms, including tinnitus, that you'd never connect to your jaw joint. People with anxiety can be prone to it because anxiety makes us tighten our jaw muscles without realising what we're doing, or we can clench or grind our teeth (even in our sleep).

22-11-13, 12:57
Thanks Honey
i used to get terrible migraines and my dentist found out I was grinding my teeth away at night so got bite guard made which cured it.

22-11-13, 13:16
I had this. From anxiety. It went away when I went on some meds...

22-11-13, 14:53
Thanks Honey
i used to get terrible migraines and my dentist found out I was grinding my teeth away at night so got bite guard made which cured it.

I wish it would cure mine Andy :( I got a mouth guard earlier in the year, but I've just ended up biting down on it instead, so I'm still having TMJ problems. Going back to the dentist next week for some more help with it as it's causing me a lot of issues.

Mr Mannering
22-11-13, 19:30
thanks guys...

10-01-14, 02:58
I got a ear infection and ringing, then it stopped at same to!e I switched from seroquel 50mg Dr to seroquel 25mg ir i take half trying to get off it cause its awful drug made me panic taking it , but now I'm left with ringing in one ear were the ear infection was and head aches brain feels funny, did anyones here go away I seen a ENT he said ear looks fine come back in 6 months if its not gone , I was very upset i looked forward to this doc and he said my hearings fine no tests nothing , did anyone's go away?

10-01-14, 10:03
I've had tinnitus for most of my life (at least the last forty years, or so). I've just had to learn to live with it. Probably for half the day, I'm not really aware of it. The other half of the day, I'm aware of it ringing or whistling away in the background. Sometimes it sounds like cicadas or birds chirping. I just tell myself that it's my own special music, that no-one else can hear.

I do know that it's easy to get worked up about it when other things are making you anxious. Try not to let this happen.