View Full Version : Another believing your doctor thread

22-11-13, 11:58
Hi Guys,

I know I shouldn't really make another thread about this as there are so many but I really need to talk to someone or someone give me a talking to! and didn't want my post to get lost in a tirade of others....

I started the week off wobbly, but decided to make a conscious effort to change my ways... then weds night I found a hard lump in a private area... this sent me into overdrive where I haven't eaten since weds night and slept all night on the sofa last night.

Went to docs this morning, he took a look and said its a "pile" and nothing to worry about, I replied by saying 'but it doesn't hurt and feels really hard like a gland or something" He said he is 99% confident its a pile.. he said he is only 99% confident as someone can never be 100%, he told me to use a cream he prescribed and to come back in 2 weeks and look at it again.

That sent me into the train of thought of 'why does he want to see me again in 2 weeks?" He mentioned that it was just as reassurance for me and him and that if he thought anything slightly sinister was going on he would have sent me straight down the hospital" He then went on to say he is confident its not cancer or anything sinister.

So why cant I just walk away and believe him, because he has said come back in 2 weeks I feel like I will just be on high alert for the next 2 weeks etc.

aggghhh.... How do you become to accept what they say is probably in truth right?

22-11-13, 12:04

He wants you to come back to see if the cream is working or whether he needs to give you something else. Did you know that minor infections can cause little lumps "up there"? He wants to make sure he doesn't need to try you on Anti-B's or some other sort of cream.

He also wants you to come back and let him check it so that you don't sit there prodding it, poking it, and generally making it worse by trying to figure out by your own unqualified self whether it is better or not.