View Full Version : Tring Positive Thoughts

22-11-13, 12:24
Morning to all! Well, I finally got tired of complaining about my mornings and am working on the "being positive" part of my CBT. I have recognized that I actually do think so many negative thoughts to myself. It's no wonder I feel bad on occasion. I am trying very hard to think positive thoughts and replace the negative thoughts with positive ones. More difficult than it sounds.

After two days of practicing this, I finally awoke to a pretty good morning. I'm sure that there will be valleys and peaks, but this morning I'm thankful for the peaks.

22-11-13, 12:26
Tanner you're working so hard on this, I'm delighted to see you wake to a good feeling :)

It's a wonderful thing to become aware of how we think, we're usually telling ourselves all sorts of negative things without even realising it. CBT is a great way of opening our eyes up to it.

22-11-13, 12:27
Well done Tanner! You are doing brilliantly

22-11-13, 13:29

Staying positive regardless of anxiety is a daunting task for many including myself. I work on it every day like you. What has helped me for over ten years is reading something positive every morning first thing. I subscribe to http://www.johnfgroom.com/. It's free. I get positive sayings every morning in my email and it's the first thing I read before anything else. I'll go and read "positive" news before reading about the woes of the world.

Add this to your repertoire and keep up the good work. you're doing great!

Positive thoughts

22-11-13, 16:34
There may well be valley's Tanner, indeed there may well be canyons, but the key for me is to acknowledge them as such and ride them out, trying to avoid a sustained decline. The evidence seems to be pretty good based on experience and people I have seen here that over time canyons become valleys, valleys become becks and before you know it you are just dealing with tiny bumps in the road.

Sounds like you're doing great Tanner.

Seeking Freedom
22-11-13, 17:39
Great news! I do exactly the same as Fishmanpa - I only read the good news online because if you constantly read depressing stories every day, it can drag you down! I downloaded the MindHabits program and am using that in the hope of changing my thought patterns from negative to positive. As you say, harder than it sounds!!

We'll all get there :)

22-11-13, 17:48
Good news, love hearing of positive things like this.

22-11-13, 21:41
Thanks to each of you. You're such an inspiring group of people and your comments and posts help me daily.

22-11-13, 21:43
You're pretty inspiring yourself tanner. Way to go!

22-11-13, 22:07
Thanks Katesa! You've inspired me a couple of times today.