View Full Version : Pains moving around - really worried

08-11-06, 14:22

Can anyone offer any reassurance please ? I am really panicing !

For the last few days I have had these pains that start off between my shoulder blades and seem to shift around my back randomly. I have convinced myself it's cancer. I have also had this happening in my chest recently too and I can't explain it. It feels like a sort of 'wind' pain, but I can't (sorry !) burp etc ...

Help please really worried now :(


08-11-06, 14:29

I have had this is the past and have found it *reassuring* as the pain can be one place and then move to another place. Surely its the muscles tensing up? The back is a favourite place for tension, but never heard of "back cancer".

I have found that I might have back/neck pain for a number of days, even weeks, and then quite suddenly the symptoms will appear somewhere else, such as my arms!

Have you experienced this?



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

08-11-06, 14:33
I sort of know what you mean by reassuring as it moves around, I didn't mean back cancer :D sorry, I didn't explain myself very well, I was thinking more of lung cancer, as it tends to be in that area. Plus I smoke [Sigh...] . Does that sort of pain come and go ? It's a sort of dull ache.


08-11-06, 14:41
Hi Dave,

I totally agree with what Ray says. The pains I get in my back are here there and everywhere. I would bet it's muscle tension you are experiencing espically when you say it's a dull ache as mine can feel like that too. Hope this helps.

Take Care


08-11-06, 14:43
Am feeling poo too as you know.
Thinking of you x

Hay x

08-11-06, 14:46
Thanks Hay
Hope you manage to feel better soon.
Dave x

08-11-06, 14:55
I get this sooo much even the burping that you have mentioned. The pain between my shoulders feels like I have been winded, also feels like a constant tightening in top back shoulders and neck. I have put it down to muscle tension or wind. Been suffering with it badly for last few weeks. I know how awful it is and that it send the cogs turning I smoke to and drink more than I should too. Hope you feel better soon hun x

08-11-06, 15:34
Hi Dave, bad trapped wind can make you feel like that to.It can be really really painfull.Hope you feel better soon.;)

Ellen XX

piglits pal
08-11-06, 16:17
My gp told me that early stage cancer is not painful. It's only in the later metastasic stages that the pain begins. Hope that's not too graphic.

Indigestion or trapped wind can cause pain in the back area too.

08-11-06, 18:10
Try some tonic water to see if that will make you burp and clear that up.

Sounds like tension to me and tight muscles.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

08-11-06, 21:25
hi dave i have alot of dull aches in my neck shoulders and back.i put it down too tension now after noticing that one day when i was very bad and aching to the next day i felt good and all the aches had gone.this has happened alot and every time i have aches i am very stressed.hope this helps.tc tracy

08-11-06, 22:49
I'm with you on this one Dave. I get loads of aches and pains in my back particularly between the shoulder blades. It can worry the crap out of me but keep telling myself it's prob just muscle tension. It seems to go when I relax and I find standing in a nice hot shower with the water directly on the area thats bothering me loosens things up.

Silly Blonde
10-11-06, 10:03
Hi Dave

I've had this for nearly two weeks - and have had it on and off in the past. I convinced myself that it was really bad heartburn, but I now know that it is mostly tension.

I have acupuncture once a week, and last night she decided to focus on my back 'cos I was complaining about the pain around my neck and shoulder blades.

She did this deep tissue massage thing with some odd herbal red dye - and it basically brings out all the tension and the tense areas go bright red and bruise (I look like someone has hit me from behind with a large stick today!!!) - then she put needles on the red areas. Feel a bit battered today, but she confirmed that it was just plain old tension. I might have had a bit of heartburn or trapped wind - but then 'cos we worry about every little ache and pain, we then tense up - and yes, the back holds soooooo mcuh tension.

I'll let you know if this form of Chinese torture works!!!!#

SB xx

10-11-06, 10:05

SB - let us know if the treatment works !
Thanks to everyone for your replied so far.


10-11-06, 10:13
Hi Dave

I get this to. I get it in the chest and upper back. I woke with it this morning after not having it for months. The pain started at the top but now the whole of my back hurts.

I am feeling extra stressed lately and thats when these pains are at their worst

mandie x

10-11-06, 18:53
i get this alot too. sometimes its in between my shoulder blades, then it moves roung to my front in the rib cage area. i was convinced it was cancer but now i think alot of it was/is tension. plus i also suffer acid reflux and my consultant said trapped wind can also cause pain between the shoulders etc.

best wishes
p xx