View Full Version : computers are the devil

08-11-06, 17:06
i've spent my entire morning swearing at my computer here at work and i am seconds from tears right now just out of sheer frustration... and the funny part is that i've finally fixed it. but my yahoo account is down, so my email is inaccessable - big trigger for laura - and i'm getting all antsy and miserable and... i'm venting.


08-11-06, 17:08
Vent away its what were here for!!!

08-11-06, 17:10
thanks, mathilda. *sigh*

technical things can be so aggrivating! and right now i'm avoiding dealing with it because although i've fixed the problem, i really need the file that was causing it, and if i open it again it will be swearing at the computer time all over. [V]