View Full Version : Brown raised mole on leg

22-11-13, 19:37
Hi everyone,

Always something. I have just seen mole on my right leg and not sure if it was there before or not? It's brown but raised? Should I see a doctor?

22-11-13, 19:42
Hi everyone,

Always something. I have just seen mole on my right leg and not sure if it was there before or not? It's brown but raised? Should I see a doctor?

Brown raised moles are pretty common and nothing to be concerned about. (I have a bunch of them!)

Positive thoughts

22-11-13, 19:45
I am positive that it is nothing.

But I do believe you should go to the doctor. Why? Because it's practise for you - when the doctor says "yes it's fine Sean, just a mole" make yourself follow his instruction - no googling afterwards, no asking other people to look, and resolve not to go back about it unless it grows three heads or something.

Recovering from ha doesn't mean you should never go to the doc when you are worried, it's about finding the right balance

22-11-13, 20:00
Ok thanks, hate going doctors but your right. Will help me move on from it.

22-11-13, 20:02
Great advice from Sergeant Katie. And stop examining yourself. And raised moles are incredibly common and entirely normal. From the little I know about skin cancer you are looking for moles that change in size, but worth mentioning to your doc next time you see them.

22-11-13, 20:02
Remember, this is your new doctor. He will set your mind at ease and won't talk to you like your old one did.

And if he does, I'll come over and drop kick him for you

22-11-13, 20:23
Any mole you discover, if it's new or changed in any way, always get it checked. I'm getting a mole checked by a dermatologist next Monday (second time this year) because I can feel a pinching pain. The last mole was checked because it got a lot bigger and darker in a short space of time. I've had moles checked a lot over the last few years, I am a very moley person and they are changing all the time, whilst the NHS is still free I will get them checked after any change.

I'd also like to say that every mole I've checked has come back absolutely fine. It's still a good idea to get them checked but 99.99% of the time they're fine :)

22-11-13, 20:33
Thanks, how do you see a dermatologist? Can I not just see my GP?

22-11-13, 21:00
Your GP would refer you to one if necessary Sean.

22-11-13, 21:00
Thanks, how do you see a dermatologist? Can I not just see my GP?

Yep... see your GP... he'll refer you if he thinks it needs to be looked at further.

22-11-13, 21:15
Like others have said I would go to see your GP to reassurance yourself, who will refer you if needed. Like Katesa have posted no googling.

22-11-13, 21:22
No panicking now Sean, ya hear me?

Its just a mole. As you said, it may have been there for ages. Let your gp take a look but remember you have no reason to be afraid x

23-11-13, 07:42
I'm sorry everyone but after all this I'm back to square one. I've been sick no less than 5 times in the night and feel suicidal. The mole is tender. Why me Its not fair. My wife won't talk to me. I can't wait until Monday for doctors I don't

---------- Post added at 07:42 ---------- Previous post was at 07:04 ----------

I really want to finish me feeling like this who can I see on a sat my life is falling apart

23-11-13, 08:56
Right Sean I am meaning this in the nicest way possible but you need to get a grip here.

I strongly suspect that it is tender because you have been prodding relentlessly at it since you noticed it. Point two is that it is overwhelmingly unlikely that this is anything sinister at all. Point 3 it is overwhelmingly likely that be quad of your extreme HA that your body is just on red alert and noticing anything.

Point 4 if you really need to see someone today then go to a walk in centre, although personally I think this would be a mistake and you would be much better off going to a florist and buying your beautiful wife some flowers.

Point 5 in the overwhelmingly unlikely event that it were something sinister then it is exceptionally treatable and nothing will change between now and Monday. Get back on the wagon and remember what is important.

23-11-13, 09:46
Sean hon,

You mentioned nothing about tenderness last night. I think that you only started feeling tenderness after Rennie mentioned that she has been referred because she has pain in hers. I think that after reading that, you started poking and prodding the mole just to see if it started hurting and that you ended up making it hurt.

Firstly, I don't even think the doctor will want to refer you - if he does it will be because he knows you are freaking out and not believing him.

Secondly, as Rennie said, and she has experience of this, the vast majority of moles that get referred even with good reason turn out totally benign.

Finally, as the wise cp said, even if you defied all odds and found you had skin cancer, it is one of the most curable.

You need to get this in to perspective sean, to talk about wanting to end it all over what is just a mole is way overboard. If you seek medical attention today it should be over your state of mind because that's what could hurt you, not the flipping mole

23-11-13, 09:50
Don't worry so much willous. Are you being sick because of worrying about your mole? Lots of people have these sorts of moles.
My daughter had one, and she went to the docs. it was ok. She had it removed anyway -because it was in a place where people were remarking about it all the time.
I have them, my husband has them too. If we found them altering in anyway we would go to the docs to ask. Take care xx

23-11-13, 09:59
Thank you all, the mole looks normal but where it is it feels a bit sore and I have not prodded it as worried to harm it. If i rub the mole along a bit its normal but under the skin its sore. Im sure the mole has always been there but its the soreness im worried about. Could it be a spot under skin or something?

23-11-13, 10:06
I was referred. I showed the GP and just to be on the safe side she referred me to see the dermatologist. Sorry for not being clearer on that.

The pain sensation you're feeling is likely to be caused by the fact that I mentioned mine. If that's the reason why it's brought on then please take your mind off the mole. Stop thinking about it and the discomfort will go, guaranteed. I used to think I had an STD, heart condition, cancer, the whole shaboom, but the only way to know what symptoms are real and what we make up in our minds is to simply STOP THINKING. Concentrate your mind elsewhere, keep your mind busy, and if you're still worried then see your GP. They, of all people, know what mole looks suspicious and what does not.

And to answer your last question. Even if you poked and prodded it all day yesterday it would still be sore today. Just leave it alone.

23-11-13, 10:13
Will a doctor know if it looks okay or not

23-11-13, 10:22
Thank you all, the mole looks normal but where it is it feels a bit sore and I have not prodded it as worried to harm it. If i rub the mole along a bit its normal but under the skin its sore. Im sure the mole has always been there but its the soreness im worried about. Could it be a spot under skin or something?

Yes absolutely. But honestly, if we focus on one part of our body enough we can make anything hurt.

It didn't hurt you until you started worrying about it.

---------- Post added at 10:22 ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 ----------

Will a doctor know if it looks okay or not

Yes they will.

Read rennies post hon

23-11-13, 10:26
Thanks for helping both of you, should feel better after doctors on Monday but going to have to miss my first day back at work.

I keep rubbing it over my jeans and feels like a sore spot. Could it be just a spot groing by it? There is no black and its not scaby? If they refer me will it take long?

23-11-13, 10:33
One step at a time Sean.

If you are referred then I don't know how long it would take but I don't imagine it would be seen as an emergency.

The discomfort you describe sounds very much like you just being overly conscious of the area. When we focus on a body part, it becomes super sensitive.

Try it with your throat - close your eyes and tell yourself it is burning and swelling up and focus on how hard it is to breath. After a while, if you focus, you really start to feel it!

Otherwise yes it could be a spot, a bite, an irritated sweat gland, anything

23-11-13, 10:50
Thanks Kate, Im just hoping the doctor sees it and says straight away that its normal. Why am I doing this to myself after all this hard work. I can think about my children without crying and thinking im not going to see them grow up. I even googled last night even though I was doing so well and read horrific things.

The doctor hopefully will know if it needs looking at. Im sure the mole looks the same as it always has.

23-11-13, 10:57
There you go then. I strongly believe that the doctor will take a look and tell you it is fine but to come back if it grows (which is the case for every mole)

It's ok. This is a relapse and a bad day. We have them - hell take a look at my thread from earlier in the week, I was asking how to get myself sectioned!

Put the mole out of your mind as best you can and i bet you stop feeling the pain. Go make some sandwiches, get your wife and kids and take them to the park or for a drive or Christmas shopping

23-11-13, 11:16
Thanks Kate, going to try my best. My wife hates me just for mentioning it even.

---------- Post added at 11:16 ---------- Previous post was at 11:09 ----------

The sore is actually just next to the mole and the mole itself does not hurt, maybe it's a sweat duct

23-11-13, 11:21
She doesn't hate you I promise you that.

Sometimes anger is all we can show. Think of how it would feel if your wife kept thinking she was going to die. I know my husband was frustrated, but underneath it, he was afraid - if you tell someone something often enough then they may subconsciously start to believe it slightly. But they can't say "stop saying you're ill/dying because it scares me" because they know that we will stupidly panic because "oh my god you think I'm dying don't you???!!"

Add that to the frustration of nor being able reassure or help us and they lash out. It's nit hate

---------- Post added at 11:21 ---------- Previous post was at 11:18 ----------

Oh so it's not even the mole hurting? You daft bloody pudding! All that worry for nothing.

Tell your wife to give you a clip round the ear from me :)

23-11-13, 11:25
Ha thanks Kate, hopefully this is a blip as been doing so well but going to go doctors for peace of mind. When i rub mole its normal so hopefully nothing.

23-11-13, 12:39
Will a doctor know if it looks okay or notYes, they are medical professionals after all. If they are sure it's fine they won't refer you, if they're suspicious then they will refer you. Just because they refer you does not mean that you have skin cancer, they just want to cover their backs and ensure you get the best medical advice, seeing as a dermatologist specialises in skin.

If you do see a doctor about your mole I highly recommend that you see him about your health anxiety too. Our reassurance does not seem to be enough and I believe you need to start tackling the anxiety, because once your thoughts and beliefs are challenged you will stop being as anxious. Ask your GP for talking therapy, like CBT.

23-11-13, 15:46
Ha thanks Kate, hopefully this is a blip as been doing so well but going to go doctors for peace of mind. When i rub mole its normal so hopefully nothing.

Hey Sean,

Dang dude! I feel like I have to sop you up off the floor with a rag after that meltdown ;) If I showed you my back you could probably play connect the moles and draw a giraffe or some other zoo animal ~lol~

Most people have something like 10-50 common moles on their bodies. It's really nothing unusual. When you go for your normal GP visit all you need to do is ask him to look at them.

Really... this is just a little blip. Now get back on your bike and get peddling ya hear! :)

Positive thoughts!

23-11-13, 19:26
Thanks you lot again. Just a blip. Last night was horrific, I felt so so low and was in tears but today realised I was a bit irrational. It's a bloody mole that's always been there forgot sake. To be fair I did pole around for a few seconds which may have made the bit under sore. I have come home tonight and received a letter about my meeting on Monday about my anxiety and it has lots of information. I think this is the biggest step yet. Once I've had the meeting should feel better. I'm not going to go doctors about mole just mention it next time as I will just move onto the next thing once that's out of the way. Most important thing is fighting this horrible illness I have called anxiety.

24-11-13, 08:50
Feel like I just need to get through this today. The mole is definitely okay but what could the tiny sore under skin be

24-11-13, 08:58
Just that......a tiny sore, we all get them from time to time.

24-11-13, 13:40
Thanks, I don't know whether to see a doctor or not? I can't afford any more time of work but...

24-11-13, 14:40
Thanks, I don't know whether to see a doctor or not? I can't afford any more time of work but...

I say don't go and call it a victory in your war against anxiety

Positive thoughts