View Full Version : Don't listen to what you read on internet...

22-11-13, 20:37
This is what I say to patients when they come in to the ER in a panic over benign symptoms. They say to me but no it said it could be cancer etc etc... I reassure them and remind them not to google their symptoms at discharge.

Now why can't i listen to my same advice? The very reason i went into the medical field has now backfired on me. When I first began my life struggle with HA a PA told me I'd be good in the medical field. Not so good afterall. Millions of horrible things can happen to anyone. I see it all the time.

My current battle: Upper Back Pain going on 1 month now. ONE month, somethings got to be wrong. There was no injury. It was a sudden onset. I blame it on my posture, I blame it on how I lifted my 45lb child. But I google, and I read thoracic pain may be serious underlying disease. I fear lung cancer (I smoked for several years, quit 2 years ago but still smoke one or two a month). I fear spinal tumor. Liver disease. Pancreas disease. BOWEL CANCER!!!! Why of course, in the summer i struggled with abdominal pain. Surely they missed something on the ultrasound and CT scan and blood work!

Could this mid back spine pain the one? I've struggled with fears of MS, ALS, Lymphoma, Brain Tumor, Colon Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, lung Cancer, DVTs... My HA makes me think, this is finally it. I'm 36, illness is becoming more likely as I'm older. Especially that it came out if nowhere.

22-11-13, 20:55
What has your doctor said about it hon?

If you look through my posts I've had the same fears over back shoulder and arm pain. I've had blood tests and had my breathing listened to and now accepted their diagnosis of tendonitis and possible gall bladder issues. My gp told me that the chances of lung cancer advanced enough to cause pain not showing tell tales on examination is pretty much zilch.

Maybe see your doctor for peace of mind?

23-11-13, 09:12
Thanks for replying. I haven't gone to see a Dr yet. I'm trying not to run every time i feel pain but I know i should soon. I work in an ER and I'm tempted to ask the Dr. Hes at my disposal but i dont want anyone at work to know im borderline neurotic.
Your reply helped. .. thanks