View Full Version : When you recover from HA will you be a better person?

22-11-13, 22:31
Poor title I know, but I am exhausted today my sone hasn't slept because of a cough for 4 days and the whole of the NHS seems to have sent me an email today!

I suppose what I mean by the title is that there is little doubt that HA is a hideous thing. I have never experienced anything as insidious and all consuming. I have never had such a feeling of complete hopelessness, I have never appreciated quite what a fine line it is between normality and losing the plot.

But is there just the slightest of possibilities that if we can crack the dread and the anxiety that is associated with HA that we may emerge the other side as better people? I wonder whether or not this experience will make me appreciate people and things more? I have never felt so lucky to have my little family, I have never appreciated more the value of what I do for a job and I have never been so conscious of how important it is to enjoy life. Don't get me wrong there is very little I would miss about HA but I do wonder whether this experience will ultimately make me a nicer person.

I know it is scraping the barrel to try and find a positive side of HA but hey you can but try.

22-11-13, 22:37
I think this is a brilliant topic actually.

I was pondering this the other day. Ha made me quit smoking and get healthier. Trying to beat ha made me realise how very lucky I am - for example, i'd have been annoyed at having ms if I hadn't spent ages fearing far worse. It made me realise how damn awesome my patient, understanding husband is. And I made some cracking friends from it.

So I cast a vote for there being a definite plus side to having experienced it

22-11-13, 22:46

I know from experience that facing something as daunting and challenging as a serious illness (HA included) and defeating it makes you a stronger person. The resolve it takes to come back from the depths brings out qualities in you that you never thought you had. Also, facing the challenge makes you appreciate life for what it really is. You appreciate and see the blessings in the simple things in life that so many overlook. It makes you see and appreciate your loved ones in a way you never thought possible. I know that I'm closer now to my Chiquita than I ever was. What she did for me and by sticking by me through my illness made me see just how much she loves me and how much I love her.

So in my opinion, yes.... that makes you a better person. Also, by facing the beast and defeating it you have the opportunity to pay it forward and that indeed makes you a better person.

You'll get there as many here have done and are doing and we'll all be the better for it :)

Positive thoughts

22-11-13, 22:58
I also have realised how lucky I am, I have the most beautiful little girl, my partner has not at all attempted to smother me (although.has probably thought about it lol), we have good jobs, a nice house. I'm very blessed, and my HA has made me realise this :)