View Full Version : Hello, I'm New Here

22-11-13, 22:51
Hi everyone. My name is Sandra. I am 35 and have two beautiful little girls (ages 3 years and 9 months) plus my boyfriend's two older kids (ages 6 and 9). I have severe anxiety issues (Generalized, social and health anxiety) along with depression. I have joined this forum because my boyfriend can't deal with my anxiety anymore and I really think I need to talk to people with similar issues! Right now I guess I have myself convinced that I'm not going to make it to my youngest daughter's 1st birthday and I am so tired to having only myself to talk to about it. :(

Thanks for reading!

23-11-13, 00:12
Welcome to the forums Sandra. I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :) Have you spoken to your doctor about your problems recently?

23-11-13, 06:24
Hi and thanks for replying! I went to the doctor about two months ago because I found a lump in my breast near my sternum. She told me basically that it's a cyst and that I am crazy because I was freaked out over it. :( I'm going to a different doctor on Monday because I've had a string of swollen lymph nodes in my neck for a month - I've been fighting sinus issues that whole time, but I am still worried that it could be something horrible! :( - and I am going to talk to them about maybe getting something to help me deal with my anxiety.