View Full Version : Bit scared!

22-11-13, 23:34
Been awake since 5:30 this morning but a, going to New York in the morning and me and friend have tried but can't sleep.
How dangerous is it to not sleep for a night?
I will try again about 1am.But my plan if I can't sleep is to sleep on thr flight tomorrow. (13:00) I just can't sleep.
We have tried lights out, hot milk etc but can't sleep.
I'm scared we will faint. But I know if I stay awake at least I can sleep in the plane!?

23-11-13, 10:01
I used to be a night carer and on more occasions then I care to remember I have gone 36-48 hours without sleep. You just feel tired and struggle to think properly, that's it, you won't pass out. And being awake since 5.30 this morning will only make you feel tired this evening. Don't fret.

23-11-13, 11:24
It won't do you any harm, it will just make you tired. My anxiety can be worse when I am tired, but it will not make you faint. Just make sure you get enough to eat and drink, and you will be fine. You can sleep on the plane and might just need to take it easy your first day in New York.

It's probably a mix of anxiety and excitement affecting your sleep. Nothing to worry about though, you're going to have a safe journey and a lovely holiday. I look forward to hearing about it when you get home!

23-11-13, 12:33
It might be a good idea to stay up actually, that way you might be able to sleep through the flight and not feel too tired on arrival.

It won't do you any physical harm at all, you might just feel a bit off. Like Edie said I know my anxiety gets worse when I'm tired so just make sure you are aware of that and look after yourself!

When I went to New York I felt a bit funny the first evening, probably the time difference, but after that it was fab, holiday of a lifetime, you will be fine.

Have a lovely time :)

blue moon
24-11-13, 07:36
You will be fine Emma,I been New York. It is a very long flight from Aus, did not sleep the night before I left,you should havea sleep on plane.Hope you enjoy NY I did.

24-11-13, 07:44
I have a terrible sleeping pattern and have often (including yesterday/today) been awake all or most of the night. It's never done anything except make me tired and sometimes grumpy! :blush: :)