View Full Version : chest pain

23-11-13, 00:44
i was sat down for about an hour on the sofa lying down and i just got up and i have this really painful feeling in chest, its only if i aggravate it by moving or coughing. its not directly in the centre of chest, its a little above more towards upper pec
like i said it only hurts a lot if i move or exhale deeply it hurts my chest

23-11-13, 01:20
it only hurts a lot if i move or exhale deeply it hurts my chest

I'm not a doc but it sounds muscle related to me. Certainly not heart related.

Positive thoughts

23-11-13, 01:24
ive just rub some vix on it to heat it up as it was hurting when i tried to lye down, or breath, like a the bone pain crushing type or grinding against each other.. its calmed down now and doesnt hurt as much when i breathe and i can actually lye down now

23-11-13, 01:30
Well there ya go! Relax and enjoy the weekend :)

Positive thoughts!

23-11-13, 01:34
i stupidly googled again..its not a coronary spasm is it?
it does hurt a lot when i move and sometimes if i move ill be stuck in that position because the pain is so much..

23-11-13, 02:20
Listen RVP... I'm not a doc but I've had two heart attacks. I know what it feels like. I'm pretty confident it's not heart related. When it's your heart, there's no mistaking it I assure you. Besides, you're posting your symptoms on a anxiety forum. If it were your heart, you wouldn't be posting here as you'd be in the ER.

Relax... take two aspirin and call me in the morning ;)

Positive thoughts

Ohhhh... and stay away from Dr. Google for crying out loud!

23-11-13, 10:20
woke up and it still hurts when i move in certain positions.
ive had this type of pain before if i squeeze my chest or do something avlittle awkward but it usually goes after a couple of minutes.

23-11-13, 10:42
Hi I don't feel chest pain but my arms and chest feels burning and it goes up my back of my head