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View Full Version : taking 10mg cipralex, really need advice regarding withdrawls

23-11-13, 03:24
I am currently taking 10 mg on cipralex every day or other day. My doctor told me I would be able to come off the pills once taking them for a few months and remaining stable, only I quickly learned she was wrong. The first few days I am off the medication I am okay, however on the third or fourth day I wake up crying, have no energy or motivation, low appetite, aches and pains, and just overall am very down. I have high anxiety on the third and fourth day off the pills, but when I begin taking them again I also have anxiety. It has now been at least 9 months taking them.
My anxiety gets so bad that I wake up extremely nauseous and usually vomit, this is one of the reasons i was put on the pills in the first place. Lately my nausea is worse and I feel an acid reflex feeling in my chest.
With all these symptoms and up's and down in my personality it's very hard to function someday's and I don't feel like myself. I know the people around me don't understand or know how to advise me, but I am hoping someone here has some advice or has experienced something similar they can tell me about.
(I am waiting to see my doctor and hear her opinion although I am not sure I completely trust it all that much now. I don't want to be switched from medication to medication because I am only 100lbs and often get very sick from meds too. I don't want to be dependant forever..)

23-11-13, 16:57
Hi there
I have been on these for 6 years. I am not medical but from experience and my own questions, I think most people stay on them for at least 6 months before trying to come off. Do you feel better on the medication? I am just wondering why you are wanting to come off. Also you may be coming off them too quickly. How are you coming off them? Try going back on and msybe doing alternate days for a while, then every 3 days etc...

23-11-13, 20:54
I'm with Bab, was the medication helping you before you decided to come off? Because if it was, i would stay on it if you get anxiety attacks as bad as you describe. If you want to come off the med, the best way is to ween off this med. You don't just stop taking it. I would get a pill cutter and go from 10 mg for a week to 7.5 mg for a week, to 5 mg for a week and 2.5 mg for a week and then off. I know this way it takes a month, but it wont be such a shock to the system.

I am no doctor, but thats what i would do. If the meds were helping you, then i wouldn't come off them at all.

Take Care,


24-11-13, 16:57
Yes I do feel better when I am on them, I wanted to come off them because at times I don't completely feel like myself in a way that I can't explain. I am sure someone knows what I mean when I say i'll feel "off" or "shaky". This is probably because I haven't been taking them as regularly as I should be like you guys have suggested. When do people normally take their pills? night time? morning? half a pill ? the full thing ? Thank you for all the advice already it has been helpful