View Full Version : this sounds so silly

23-11-13, 07:02
This is going to sound so silly. Usually when I drink wine I have major panic and heart palpitations the next day. Last night I had wine and I feel fine this morning but still im sitting anxious and waiting for something to kick in. I can feel my heart rate rising and nearly getting the feeling like i wont be able to get another breath. So I feel fine and yet im still worried. Why?

23-11-13, 11:57
Exactly the same thing happens to me with alcohol, but for me at least it varies so much for how much it effects me; such as food, sleep, TOTM ect. Maybe you were just lucky this time! Try not to worry.

23-11-13, 12:46
If you sit and wait for the attack then it will come, because you're convincing your mind. Instead just accept that nothing has happened (that's a good thing, after all!) and carry on with the day. There is no benefit for you to sit down and spend your day worrying about it.

Granny Primark
23-11-13, 12:56
I used to drink wine. I dont anymore because my anxiety and panic attacks worsened. I have a capful of brandy or whiskey in either a cup of tea or coffee and take it to bed with me.
I love the smell of lavender and its brill to put on your pillow at night. Cant get hold of the lavender at the mo. The local discount shop used to sell it.

23-11-13, 13:03
Thanks guys for the replies. It's always the fear of impending doom after a night drinking wine. I don't get the usual hangover, with the headaches and the dodgy tummy etc, I get palpitations and the fear!! So much so that since my husbands death in May, I have dramatically cut down on my drinking because of the fear I get the following day. And the tiredness. Today I was just really tired, felt like I wasn't actually here and felt at times likes wouldn't be able to get another breath.

23-11-13, 13:12
Do you think it's best, for the time being, to not drink any more alcohol? If it's having this effect on you then it would help you tenfold to not touch alcohol for a while.

23-11-13, 13:33
From the movie "Field of Dreams" "If you build it, he will come" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ay5GqJwHF8

Same thing here... you're fine but if you think about the panic attack, you'll bring it on. Being that wine typically does this to you, it makes sense not to drink it at all doesn't it? :)

Positive thoughts!

23-11-13, 15:23
Thanks folks. I just feel so sad today.