View Full Version : Weird

23-11-13, 09:47
I'm getting really in a panic because (gross) I have to lean right back against the back of the toilet to poop it's like something as changed inside me I keep worrying its a tumour ........ Anyone else had this ?

23-11-13, 13:23
"Weird" is right! Can't say I've ever had to lean backwards to poo as usually it's the opposite, but I can't see how this could possibly indicate anything sinister. However, it's another poo thread so that's cool ;)

Positive thoughts!

23-11-13, 13:30
Fishmanpa- 'However, it's another poo thread so that's cool'
you always make me chuckle!

Generally, humans have to lean forward and squat to evacuate, leaning right back would often make this difficult for some. But, then again, we are all different.

23-11-13, 15:26
Yip happens me. I have to lean back and squeeze if it's a "hard" one....sorry for info!!! Generally tho, it flies out of me but yes, I find if I lean back and poo it comes out. Wouldn't have thought it's anything to be concerned about.....and that's coming from me!!!!

26-11-13, 12:46
Thanks for the replies folks

26-11-13, 12:48
french people do it standing ,now thats bloody weird !

26-11-13, 16:12
When im at my worse anxiety wise, my bowel movemts become thin amd I struggle to get them out so I have to lean back to get any out xxx