View Full Version : even amid bickering

08-11-06, 17:50
i just wanted to say that i just read a now-locked thread where there was some bickering and i'm feeling pretty shaky and low at the moment yet i still felt the caring in this place. so i hope you all know what value you have... i'm so glad i found this site. :)[Sigh...]

08-11-06, 17:58
Even though there are regular 'heated debates' we are still a little community with a common thread linking us all - we just reflect life at large really don't we and for some people getting stuff off their chests is part of who they are. Room for us all on here and I am glad you are finding the site a caring place to be.

Welcome to you :)

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

08-11-06, 17:59
Thanks piglet... :)[|)]:)

08-11-06, 18:02
Hi there, am sorry you are feeling shaky and low right now. There are lots of people here with lots of different opinions (obviously) but in the end we are all here for similar reasons. Is there anything we can do to help at the moment to help you with this bad patch, take care and please keep in touch xxx

08-11-06, 18:03
Thanks, carlin. I'm hangin' in... being here where it is so well understood is a tremendous help. <3

08-11-06, 18:04
Hi creatix,

Sometimes people are easily taken wrongly nature of anxiety i quess. And yes your right it is and should remain a caring place. But sometimes there will be misunderstandings and misquotes also nature of the beast. I just want to say that we have been here before and it always seems to turn into a bitch fest which is not right. We live in a free and democratic society so ones thoughts should always be valid. If offence is taken i would say that is the problem of the one who is offended. Lets all keep this in perspective a point was made and a very valid one too. And lets use our rights of freedom of speech to enrich eachother rather than tear eachother down.

Said me piece hope i havnt started another horah now!!!!!!

Take care all!!!!!


08-11-06, 18:10
Hi, donna.

Well, I certainly have put my foot in it - in fact I did so here yesterday - and everyone here seemed very understanding and forgiving. Message boards pretty much always suffer some form of board drama, but this seems to be the type of group that learns to roll with it and let it go. There's a lot of effort put forth here to assure that no one is injured. It feels safe and nurturing... just what we all need. :)


08-11-06, 18:39
Hi creatix,

You havnt put your foot in it at all, i was just explaining what happens and that its not good. But as with everything in life we learn and move on. You also made a very valid point and i like you wish it could be kept amicable. I think the key factor is keeping it positive. I think we forget so easily that a smile or warm gesture can bring so much more to people than negativity.

Take care!!!!!!


08-11-06, 18:43
LOL... actually, I *did* put my foot quite squarely in it - I made a bad joke and hurt some people, but I think all is well - I apologized to those I'd offended and most replied with a let-bygones-be-bygones manner. But yes, those smiles and kind words do wonders and I see a lot of that here.


Sue K with 5
08-11-06, 18:59

I am sorry you have been affected tonight by the comment made on my post. My comments were constructive and based on what I have recently seen in chat. They were in no way offensive and were not written to cause disharmony.

They were valid points that sometimes need to be raised so that people can feel free to chat and when they are not quite on that road to recovery they do not feel as if they are failing, because others have found the way forward.

Nothing more nothing less unfortunately some people tend to use the forum as a way of expressing there emotions if they dont like what they read.

This is a great forum and used in the right way has brought so many people hopr and support. Dont let silly people ruin what you have so far found to be a good experience



08-11-06, 19:05
Oh, Sue, honey, I wasn't negatively effected. What I saw was a lot of people trying very hard to say their piece without offending. I was very impressed with the way most of you were trying so hard to be diplomatic, so please don't feel the need to apologize! My point was just that we should all step back and see that even when we bicker it is still such a supportive plce. I can see how you read my post thinking your thread had caused my shakies - I didn't communicate that well! But the shakies were there before your post and I actually felt very peaceful seeing how gentle people could be.

Peace, and please no apology!! :)

Sue K with 5
08-11-06, 19:10
Thank you



08-11-06, 19:49
Thanks, Heidi. Yes, being careful around sensitive types is usually best - especially in a place where there are so many of us. But alls well that ends well. :)

09-11-06, 12:18
Right thats it... Hiddy I am suein ya!!! how dare ya use me joke and tell it to everyone!! HAHAHAHAHA- just to confirm that was a joke!!! without laughter wot do we have!!!
Sorry to hear u wasn t feelin ur best creatix- hope ur ok today!!! thigs get so heated between some people... its just like 'real life', so many personalities and opinions!! but we all love and help each other in the end and thats wot really matters... how soppy did that sound!! lol

09-11-06, 12:35
what strikes me is this,

when living with agrophobia/social anxiety ect, sadley the only way we can communicate with the outside world is through our computor.

It can leave us feeling frustrated reading words with out any tone or warmth (which is just what we need). Having said that its so much easier to say whats on your mind when typing, I probally wouldnt say half the things Id say on the computor lol.

i do wonder if a little part of us all actually likes a heated discussion ?
its a bit of excitement and I notised we seem to get alot more hits on heated topics[}:)].
Obviously its not so much fun for those directly involved, it can really effect the self esteem.
Best to Live and let live, have a good arguement and then a good laugh.
