View Full Version : IBS vs Colon Cancer

23-11-13, 12:15
Okay.. i know everyone is probably getting really fed up with these posts now :( but i really dont know what to do :(
I keep telling myself its just IBS but I am constantly worrying, especially ever since I found blood on the tissue when i wiped (and blood mixed in with a lot of mucus).
I have lost a lot of weight and get persistant stomach cramps, i find it so hard to believe it is just IBS but i know thats most likely.
The doctor refuses to give me a colonoscopy saying it will cause more worrying and make the IBS worse, and in parts I aggree because the thought of it makes me so scared, but at the same time what if it is something more serious? The doctor also said having the scan at such a young age can cause crohns and collitis which is why she doesnt want to do the scans. I have had blood tests, and apart from high abulmin there was nothing worrying. But at the end of the day.. like my counsellor said, they are GPs and they do not have x ray vision :(
What do I do?:( anyone else been in this situation? its on my mind constantly so if it is IBS im not giving it much of a chance to get better. (if anything its got worse, but then i have been worrying so much).

23-11-13, 12:33
Well you very kindly replied in my thread the other day so you probably remember that I am in a very similar situation to you. The difference is that I am much older than you so my risks are a lot higher. I know Im not good at listening to my own advice but I would say that if your doctor thought there was any risk then they would send you for more tests. I also have to say that it wasnt very helpful of your counsellor to make the remark about doctors not having xray vision. I hope that things improve soon for you.

23-11-13, 12:56
Thankyou so much for your reply :D have you had a colonoscopy? I just get myself in such a state when you hear about all these people misdiagnosed with IBS when its actually Bowel cancer :( i know my age makes it unlikely.. but it does happen :( i know someone who had bowel cancer and they were just 23.. i guess thats where some of my fear comes from. My counsellor was definately NOT helpful :( i just dont know what to do.. my counsellor was telling me to push for scans

23-11-13, 13:07
No I havent had any tests other than blood tests so far. The camera was mentioned at one point but that was when I was having diarrhoea all the time and that stopped some time ago. When the blood tests came back ok the gp put me on Omeprazole for stomach acid but that was mainly because of a horrible taste in my mouth and a coated tongue. You will probably remember that its the weight loss thats my biggest worry.

23-11-13, 13:07
Have you tried any other remedies to help with IBS? I was in a similar position after my husband died in May and I was 34. I had terrible toilet issues. When I had to go, I had to go NOW and there was no holding back. Maybe four five six times in the evening. Blood, mucus, everything was present. Gross. I found peppermint tea really helped. Specially after eating.

23-11-13, 13:18
I have been having a probiotic and a bannana every morning and have been taking multivitamins! I have also been eating healthier generally and have been cutting out wheat.. I am just so scared about it :( its always on my mind

23-11-13, 13:31
Same here, constantly thinking about it which doesnt help, so youre not alone. :unsure:

23-11-13, 15:14

I know you are getting concerned about this IBS could be bowel/colon cancer I think I have not kept going back to the GP and my parents writing a note to the GP I would not even had an abdominal ultrasound or even been referred to a specialist for colon conditions and been given a sigmoidoscopy and CT scan.

I been told I may have a loopy thingy on my small bowel or small tear which may need keyhole (this is a small chance I got this problem and may have had it from birth) (I did not want to post this again) as it may worried people who got abdominal pains might be cause by this.

Reading about you know someone who was just 23 who had bowel cancer, have you mention to your GP about this,

my worries about bowel cancer started when my Dad had to do bowel screening because of his age, his results was fine before late 2011 I never even heard of bowel cancer.

23-11-13, 17:11
I have not told my GP about the 23 year old, I am just so so so scared, I have had another day of feeling really ill and I just don't know what to do anymore, I mean it's obvious I get Anxiety.. But is it really that making me feel this ill? My anxiety only started when I started feeling ill :( I know I need to think more positively but I am finding it so hard

23-11-13, 19:28
Symptoms of IBS include:

Abdominal pain or cramping
A bloated feeling
Gas (flatulence)
Diarrhea or constipation — sometimes even alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhea
Mucus in the stool

All of which you mentioned. Some of the others can be attributed to anxiety. The blood you mention is most likely due to a tear, fissure or hemorrhoids. Bowel cancer, like many other cancers have no symptoms early on. By the time most cancers are discovered, including bowel cancer, they're in a pretty advanced stage. If in fact you had bowel cancer, your GP would have noticed something was up and referred you for more testing. The tests he did order showed nothing of concern.

IBS, while a pretty crappy thing to have (pun intended), is treatable and manageable with meds and diet. Your stress levels play an important role in the severity of your condition and consulting Dr. Google on a daily basis only reinforces your fears as opposed to managing what really is going on which is IBS. Follow your doctors advice and if you're going to Google anything, Google managing IBS and see if there's some additional things you can do to help improve your condition. Of course, it goes without saying, finding ways to treat your anxiety will also help treat your IBS.

Positive thoughts

24-11-13, 08:52
Thankyou for your reply, once again I have a really sore stomach this morning :( I noticed I also have a kind of palse in my stomach.. Is this anxiety related?? Also.. Baring in mind my age and the fact that the doctor thinks a scan will cause more harm than good should I push for a scan?

24-11-13, 17:22
So the doctor refused you for a colonoscopy scan.

Have you asked for a CT scan or MRI scan and ultrasound even though I might be a long shot.

One of the GPs I saw the 3rd time about my abdominal pain, not sure whether she have had cancer in the past or had a condition but just to be on the safe side even though she could just feel my bowel full with poop.

When I was having the abdominal pain I asked could I be referred to a specialist as I felt like I was going round in circles with this IBS (I know I should have not read the articles in the past about people being misdiagnosis.

I did not have any blood on the toilet paper or on my stools (visible) The ultrasound checked my organs and kidneys and all was fine nothing wrong.

---------- Post added at 17:22 ---------- Previous post was at 17:20 ----------

I got a booklet about the risks of having a sigmoidoscopy when I was preparing myself to have one.

24-11-13, 17:26
One of the GPs I saw the 3rd time about my abdominal pain, not sure whether she have had cancer in the past or had a condition but just to be on the safe side even though she could just feel my bowel full with poop.

So she said you were full of Sh!t? :)

24-11-13, 17:40
Thanks a lot for all of your advice and information :D still getting bad stomach pains.. i have tried altering my diet, and drinking herbal tea and probiotics and doing more excercise but nothing seems to be working :(

04-01-15, 15:27
Am goin though the same thing atm .can u tell me how u got on thanks .my dr is a waste of time .all she keeps sayin is am to young for cancer .

05-01-15, 12:51
I've been suffering with flat stools I do have diverticulitis and suspected IBS I'm wondering if any of you have had this symptom it makes my anxiety sky high I always think it's a tumour

05-01-15, 13:22
I have also stomach issue, it seems like my belly has constant activity, it always has movements, maybe gaseous movement or what but it is defenitely annoying,it always mummbles( I dunno if a word "mummbles" exist), English is not my mother tounge. It started yesterday so maybe this is due to my stress in HIV testing. I hope everything about HIV will cease so that I can slowly eradicate health anxiety on my system.