View Full Version : memory loss?

23-11-13, 14:07
Has anybody else experienced memory loss with anxiety?

My memory has always been pretty good, but recently I cant seem to remember what ive just been doing and ive been noticing it more and more.

Examples. Go to boil the kettle and realise ive already done it but cannot remember doing it. Even when I really try to ordernwhat ive just been doing.
On the bus, I cant remember actually gettimg on the bus, I remember waiting for the bus, then im just sitting down on bus, and this really made me panic. Ive tried and tried to remember but its like waking up from a dream and trying to remembernthat, the more I try the harder it gets.

Im really worried about this, im starting to think something is actuallymwrong with my brain, or epilepsy. My brother has epilepsy and said it started with little "blackouts". Also worried about thyroid as other family members have suffered with it. Ahhhhh!

23-11-13, 14:14
T if my head was loose I would forget that lol, yeah im always forgetting things ,I can be speaking to someone and all of a sudden I cant remember what I was going to say its when my anxiety is kicking in, I laugh at myself now im sure its anxiety :)

23-11-13, 14:22
Ha, its good to know that it does happen to others with anxiety. For me its one of the newer things im noticing, and probably one of the scariest.

But still worried that there might be some other medical condition and that whats causing the anxiet6 in the firs5 place. If that makes sense?

23-11-13, 14:24
T, I find myself often forgetting names of people I know well, and forgetting what I was going into a room to do. I know that the more I concentrate on it, the more frustrated and anxious I become about it. It can become a viscous circle. When this happens to me, I try to find acceptance and just let it go. The less I think about it or dwell on it, the better.

23-11-13, 14:30
T it does make sense I use to think it was something more than anxiety ,because its so hard to believe anxiety can cause all these symptoms ,but believe me it can xx

23-11-13, 14:35
Same for me. had a memory test with GP. was ok, except I could not remember
the name and address I was given at the beginning.
Anxiety does play a large part in memory . It wears me out sometimes.
I try not to think about and dwell on it too

23-11-13, 14:43
Same for me I sometimes find that if I sit down for a minute with no pressure it will come back to me

23-11-13, 15:37
Thankyou for the replies. It does give me comfort that others experience this.
Ive been putting off going to the doctors for a long time now but hink its time to go now.
Ive said in a previous post that I had a good few days, mind was cleared, I laughed a lot and barely any of my symptoms appeared, but last since thursday its gptten really bad. Cant concentrate on anything, have blurry vision, poor speech, and I cant even be sarcastic, and thats one of my favourite things ha.

I think with the family history these thoughts will still play on my mind, amd the only way to get rid of them is to see a doctor. X

23-11-13, 16:16
See the doctor, it's a turning point for a lot of people regardless of the outcome of the appointment.
One big part of why your memory is bad is because you keep testing it out. You see if you can remember this, like when you said about being on the bus, you were looking back to see what you remember. We do a lot of things on autopilot and it doesn't become apparant until we focus unduely on it. Making tea dn getting on a bus are the most autopilot things we do! I kept thinking I hadn't flushed the toilet because I couldn't remember doing it, but I did and it was just my brain not bothering to keep useless like that. Tell yourself it's ok to be fuzzy headed and carry on as normal.

23-11-13, 16:43
Yes it has been a turning point.

I knoe things like getting on a bus and making tea are details we dont register, but I always have, ive aleays noticed and remembered things that seem insignificent to others. My memories are very detailed and normally remember everything to what was on tv that day to the smells I encountered that day. Which is why this is so unusual for me.

Having the ocd aspect doesnt help either, id gotten better with checking, but now that I cant remember what ive been doing its made it worse. Its like my life is glitching and im going from cooking dinner, to reading, and cant remember anything in between, couldnt even remember if I eaten dinner, the only clue I had was that I wasnt hungry. Reminds me of the butterfly effect a little (if youve seen the film youll know what I mean).