View Full Version : Been housebound for 3 months, severe stomach pains from anxiety?

23-11-13, 22:41
Hi everyone, I've always had problems with anxiety and problems with IBS since i was young. Earlier this year I was hit with severe stomach pains and taken to hospital, I was left home and referred to a Gastrointestinal consultant. My calproten level were high indicating possible crohns disease. I've had numerous tests and all seem so far clear. At my last meeting with my consultant I was asked to be open minded and there could be the possibility the pains are psychosomatic (stress and worry causing symptoms). Although I find this very difficult to accept as the pains have been so severe, I must admit a dose of Diazapam seems to relieve the pain (currently prescribed Oralmorph). I have also had our house repossessed, lost job and have a baby on the way. I'm so worried my wife will think I'm just making these pains up. I go to the toilet (number 2) 10-15 times a day, but looking back this has escalated with the stress. I have PTSD and traits of BPD, for this I'm taking Pregablin and quitiapine. Last year my diazepam was cut from 20 mg to just 5 mg daily. I'm now considering going back to the docs and asking for an increase in Benzo's? The thing is my anxiety is chronic and as we all know benzo's should only be used for short term use, so what are the other options? I was on Propanol however I was advised to stop this drug as my heart rate became very slow 25 -35bpm. I didn't feel depressed however I'm starting to feel more so after such a prolonged time confined to 4 walls. I am able to get out now, however my physical activity is limited by pain? Does anyone have experience of such crippling pain with anxiety? Any advice on drugs for chronic anxiety? I am aware of CBT which failed to work, think I need a miracle!

24-11-13, 00:42
i take great meds for anxiety had panick/anxiety 26 yrs refused med went on med not one attack in 20 yrs

26-11-13, 20:15
Paul, you don't need a miracle. You have the power within yourself. You truly do. I too get terrible stomach issues from IBS and when I am anxious and all these pains tend to amplify. CBT is great, it really is BUT its something you HAVE to work on everyday not just when you're at a low point, everyday. I was diagnosed with General Anxiety, Anxiety and panic disorder among other things. I have been through 2 lots of CBT both being very successful, but CBT can only be successful if you work at it. You have so much going on around you at the moment - the house, job, baby on the way. Its no wonder you are feeling a little anxious but you sound like you have already given up before you even started. It is a long road to recovery but a road worth taking. There is so much help out there without having to increase your meds, that's not working on your anxiety its masking it. The miracle is inside you, its up to you to take the steps to realize it.