View Full Version : Do you have any siblings that suffer from HA?

23-11-13, 23:20
I have always wondered why I am a health anxious person and my two sisters are the opposite they never worry about their health I cant even talk about my anxieties with them because plainly they do not understand them. We grew up with the same parents, under the same circumstances why am I the only one with the problem? My mother was an anxious person in a protecting sort of way like she was always making sure we were street wise and we didnīt put ourselves in dangerous situations but she didnīt worry about health issues so much. But my cousins they both suffer from anxiety issues.
I am more convinced now that anxiety is mainly genetic rather that a learned behavior. What are your experiences about this subject?

24-11-13, 09:20
I don't think my sister has HA, I am not sure about my cousins though. Even my parents, Nan, Granddad, Uncles and aunties don't have HA or have mention anything about health when I am around because they know I will worry more.

24-11-13, 10:50
Mine if my family have HA that I know of.. My gran had anxiety but it wasn't health related.. Not severely like mine anyway

24-11-13, 10:51
My mum has mild health anxiety, like if something is wrong with her she will think the worst, but doesnt go to the extent we do i,e googling ect.
my cousin who is around my age 22 has exactly the same HA as me and i was quite shocked when he told me because it was like looking in a mirror.
My uncle also suffers from it too but not as bad.
although my mother and uncle arent related as hes from my dads side.

24-11-13, 13:35
My Mother had generalized anxiety and depression, not so much related to HA. I do believe that there is a genetic component to anxiety and depression, along with a learned trait. Everyone's anxiety manifests itself in a different manner.

24-11-13, 19:58
But I cannot understand why my sisters having lived in the same enviromment as myself they are so different from me, they never fear sinister illnesses and once my sister told me if she was to be diagnosed with a terminal illness it wouldnīt worry her at all, she is the other extreme while my life revolves around illnesses and worrying about dying of a heart attack :shrug:

25-11-13, 16:09
simple its evolutionary baggage left overs of mechanisms that once in past were favourable but not so much any more
