View Full Version : Winter blues?

23-11-13, 23:54
Hi, Has anybody else heard of the winter blues?
Well for the past 2years my anxiety seems to get worse when it's winter
but I'm not sure if it is winter blues
When I'm at home or round at my parents I'm fine it's when I'm out I start getting dizzy and weak in the legs just generally anxious i got that wobbly in the feet I had to sit down anyone else had that?
I'm gunna get myself off to the docs anyway just to see what they think hopefully I won't get sent away with anti depressents as they don't settle well with me!

24-11-13, 02:26
It's called Seasonal Affective Disorder and it has to do with a sensitivity to light or the lack of it during the Winter months.

I know for me personally, Winter is my least favorite season. I wake up and it's dark and now, by the time I leave work at 5pm or so, the sun is nearly set and it's getting dark. Between the bareness of the landscape, the cold and the lack of daylight hours, Winter is a downer for me. I don't get the symptoms you describe but I do understand what you mean about the "Winter Blues"

Positive thoughts