View Full Version : I've Moved To Nostalgia City!

24-11-13, 05:26
Does anyone else go through periods of being stuck in Nostalgia City??

I'm right there now. I seem to feel much more comfortable and peaceful if I hop out of this era and go back in time!!

I don't like or feel like I fit in this era?? It's a weird feeling that I get pretty often.

Is it an age thing?....maybe it's kicked off with getting older?

Even Christmas this year is being planned with lots of nostalgia.

Maybe it's linked to depression? I've been feeling a wee bit down, don't even know why??

I'd love to hear others opinions on this subject, is it just me or are you sometimes effected by it too??

24-11-13, 09:28
I get times like this too...maybe it is an age thing. So long as the nostalgia we are thinking about is linked to good things then I can only see it as a good thing. I guess Christmas especially is a time for nostalgia to hit.

24-11-13, 09:46
Does anyone else go through periods of being stuck in Nostalgia City??

I'm right there now. I seem to feel much more comfortable and peaceful if I hop out of this era and go back in time!!

I don't like or feel like I fit in this era?? It's a weird feeling that I get pretty often.

Is it an age thing?....maybe it's kicked off with getting older?

Even Christmas this year is being planned with lots of nostalgia.

Maybe it's linked to depression? I've been feeling a wee bit down, don't even know why??

I'd love to hear others opinions on this subject, is it just me or are you sometimes effected by it too??

Hi Auntie, I don't go back to another era, but I do find I keep going back to the happier times in life and get very nostalgic about it and like you it's a nice safe cosy place to be. I suppose because we are not always at our best and struggling to maintain a "normal" life it is nice to regress to what makes us feel comfortable, which era do you go back to? Xx

24-11-13, 13:41
Auntie, I think this is a perfectly normal place to be. It must be a defense mode for me. When I'm depressed and/or anxious, I find myself thinking of earlier times in my life that seemed simpler and happier. Nostalgia in cases like this seem to relate to comfortability. And when we are anxious, what more do we want than merely to be comfortable.

24-11-13, 13:45
Auntie, I think this is a perfectly normal place to be. It must be a defense mode for me. When I'm depressed and/or anxious, I find myself thinking of earlier times in my life that seemed simpler and happier. Nostalgia in cases like this seem to relate to comfortability. And when we are anxious, what more do we want than merely to be comfortable.

I think you and I might be long lost brothers! LOL. That's exactly how I deal with anxiety. :)

24-11-13, 14:35
Yeah I do the whole nostalgia thing too, I don't feel as comfortable in the modern world ..... I often wish life could be more simple. I quite like TV programs set in the 60's. somehow life then seemed less complicated & more straightforward. Last week I found myself looking at photos of my mother to remind me of happier times.

24-11-13, 19:17
Hi Auntie I'm not sure it is the same thing but I liken it to listening to my inner child. Especially at Christmas it is often easy to forget that we have needs too as we rush around looking after everyone else. I also find myself recreating the good things that happened in Christmas past. I have recently ordered a tree and lights just for me!! Christmas music is very evocative of past Christmases and it is almost a game to try to remember where I sang a particular carol or piece of Christmas music. There are lots of good memories as well as the not so good ones and I guess that is the same for you too? Forgot to add that I remember those who are less fortunate- not just remembering but doing something which will make a difference to their lives. EJ

24-11-13, 19:49
We used to go my Grandmas at Christmas and she had a big black cooking range and fire. I used to send my letter to Santa up the chimney in the range :)

24-11-13, 21:37
Thank you so much everyone for your replies :hugs:

I feel as if I'm just desperately trying to be in a more comfortable please really.

I am feeling a wee bit sad too and I expect this isn't really helping matters.

Having had a long think about it, I do think I've learned something positive though, if that makes sense, because I think I've realized what actually triggered my agoraphobia all those years ago. I believe that I was suddenly finding the World really overwhelming and scary, so I think that I just literally removed myself from it.

I feel really wobbly about going out again now, so it's kind of like it's trying to repeat itself, I know that I really need to get to work on that and get that sorted as I don't ever want it to take a hold of me again like that.

Do you sometimes feel really scared and overwhelmed with the World??

I too, love all the 60's/70's TV programs, in fact, I don't really like anything that's modern really.

Crumbs!! I think I'm becoming eccentric :scared15: :roflmao:

24-11-13, 21:55
Naaaah that's not eccentric. I think it's totally understandable. Well, if it is eccentric, you can add me to that list then eh?

Sometimes, for survival, I have to limit my thinking only to my locality. To my little world. That might include home of course and the area near home if I go for a walk. Also extending to the space necessary for me to get to work and function there. It might include the route to and from work. And the area near work where I go for walks or rides. That might be it, other than perhaps certain shops -food shops that is. Essentials therefore. A girl has to eat you know.... Especially this one.
What I exclude from my thinking is all the crap that goes on in the World. I don't like the news. In fact... I hate it. There have been times when I dont so much hide from the World .... It's more as if the World and everyone in it is closing in on me. Too many people. Too much noise. Everything too complicated. Too much to take in and no place to relax or be myself. I do feel the need to shut all that away.

So to that end when it all gets a bit much, I do close down. But rather than not get out, I will stop the world encroaching on me. Try and prevent all that needless information entering my mind and corrupting it. I don't need all that mess & confusion. I am better off not bringing the world and it's troubles into my life or my home. I don't always succeed but that is kind of how I do it.

There are times I feel I want to shut myself away. But then I do try reminding myself that ultimately I still want to enjoy the bits of my life that mean being outside. I don't want to be shut away. Why should I allow the busy world to impact on me that way? No, I am not having it. I have my place in the world and can at the very least exist within it in a simple way. I don't have to engage in the wider picture.

24-11-13, 22:36
Great post Tessar :yesyes:

I'm normally quite like you in the way that I wont usually let is overcome me, but I'm finding that a bit hard right now.

I have two "me's" in my head, probably like we talked about before, there's the little me and the big me, at the moment the little me is shouting a lot louder and she's getting the upper hand a bit!! lol

Just like you, I cannot bare to watch the news!! it really effects me and I can't deal with it all. Trouble is, my other half, rather likes the news and documentaries and because we only live in a one bedroom flat, we're both in the living room together, I'm usually on my computer, he's usually watching the TV, so I get to be subjected to it all!!! If I'm feeling particularly out of sorts, I normally plant myself in the bedroom, put my radio on or my CD's and just float away :)

Oh well, tomorrow's another day eh :winks: