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View Full Version : A Big Old Bag of Health Anxiety

24-11-13, 06:43
So my story so far,

My mother died 3 years ago of bowel cancer which had seemingly disappeared, she also had stomach cancer 16 years before.

I know this is obviously the cause for my anxiety as every heath fear I have
is based around the big C of some kind, My health anxiety started about 6
months after she passed, it began with my thoughts wondering toward stomach cancer as I had some re-occurring pains there, at this time it was not bad, it was only a background thought and never really effected me.

A while passed and twinges came and went, each time considering the possibility that it was something more.

The first serious run in I had with health anxiety was the start of this year,
having been a big drinker, pot and cigarette smoker, and hard to admit but I also craved a crack pipe on occasion, after a music festival and having consumed all of the previously mentioned habits, A lump in my throat drew my attention along with a reasonable amount of pain. This was where I had my first appointment with Dr Google, I spent every spare hour searching for the worst of the worst conditions that my symptoms could be.

This is the worst thing I have ever done, It ruined my relationship, as I plunged into a deep depression thinking that the end was just around the corner, It cost me a bundle having doctors appointments left, right and center. I went to the doctors every couple of days, forced him to send me for Ultrasounds, when he would not refer me to an ENT I went to another doctor, he not only referred me but put me on a dose of anti depressants, and Valium (AD were terrible but the Valium helped when I got so worked up about my imminent death)

I was diagnosed with Globus Hystericus, which is a lump in the throat caused by anxiety, this was not good enough for me and I kept searching.
After A scan of my throat I was told I had a cyst on my thyroid, OH SHIT! That's it, it has to be cancer i thought the whole way through the dr's calm down heaps of people have them speech.

The pain in my throat turned out to be reflux, and the lump in my throat has gone................BUT...HEALTH ANXIETY NEVER RESTS!!!!!!

I have since been under the impression that I have had Bowel, stomach, testicular and colon cancer, I have been for blood tests, and to specialists and even a couple of Ultrasounds, all returned fine!

I recently found out that the growth on my thyroid has not grown.

My current self diagnoses is either Sinus Cancer or a Brain tumor, as I have had blurry vision, painful eyes and ears and a stuffy/blocked nose for 6 months, I have a CT scan of both sinus and brain tomorrow at 9am, I know that I have health anxiety, but I also doubt that it is purely HA and always have the what if? thought.

Hypochondria is a terrible thing, you can know that you have it, but it makes no difference in quenching the worry that you have some kind of serious, life threatening disease, every spare moment spent wondering if you will make it to the end of the year, at least that is how i feel.

If you have found this site while searching your symptoms on Google(As I did) then you have come to the right place,

I guess this is a long winded way of saying that I am ready to try to put HA behind me, and asking for help and advice to do so.

What is the best way to get over it?!

If you have managed to get all the way through this essay I have just written, then I thank you for your time


24-11-13, 08:39
You need to:

Get off google
Get some proper distractions in your life - distracting enough that you simply don't have time to think about your health
Learn how to face your fears/symptoms and accept them 100%

It's not easy but you will get there

25-11-13, 07:34
I will definitely try to stop Googling things, although it is in the back of my mind whenever a new symptom arises, and Drinking has been my distraction, although it also leads to more anxiety thinking that it is causing some other illness, I think ill take up some kind of sport.

25-11-13, 07:47
I feel the same, im also having sinus pressure and headache neck ache and my anxiety is thru the roof. I have cancer anxiety. IM not sure why as my anxiety started thru hemorrhaging badly and losing conciousness 6 years ago. Many many other health issues ive whitnessed or been part of and my son has been diagnosed with a genetic tumor condition. So these last few years my anxiety has become completely unstoppable and thoughts of health consume my day. I hope u find a way xxx keep intouch xxx

25-11-13, 12:24
I will definitely try to stop Googling things, although it is in the back of my mind whenever a new symptom arises, and Drinking has been my distraction, although it also leads to more anxiety thinking that it is causing some other illness, I think ill take up some kind of sport.

Sport is an excellent idea as it distracts you AND gives you more confidence in your body.

Also well done for working out how to switch off italics… :)

26-11-13, 04:27
Thanks guys,
Has anyone been to a shrink for Health anxiety?
Pearl, I am sorry to hear about your son, that must be very tough and also must send
your anxiety through the roof, I hope you find some way to relax and let it go.

I also spend most of my day worrying about my health.

Does anyone know anything about meditation???? I hear it helps with anxiety

I am here if you ever need someone to talk to :)

26-11-13, 04:52
Hi Hypocon, I read your post and I can really relate to a lot of it. I've had health anxiety for 4 years and had really really extreme at times. I have to say, medication has never helped me. Apart from, like you say, Valium when I was really bad. Try and stop searching on Google completely. It will be hard but will power!

Meditation is AMAZING. See if you can go to a class and learn the basics (they really help) and when you know you can practice at home. CBT therapy is absolutely amazing as well. I'd really really advise you getting referred. It will improve your condition immeasurably, believe me.

The biggest thing that helped me was disassociating from your mind. As on accepting the thoughts but watching them/not engaging them. If you can learn this then it really really helps as negative thoughts don't have to effect you/ you no longer have to be a victim to your own mind - a good book is 'the power of now' by eckhart tolle.

If you wanna chat or need any more advice I'm here xxx

26-11-13, 06:10
Thanks AnxiousGirl1,

I am going to try meditation, I bought a book on it and I am going to try and find a class
, I'll also check out the book you mentioned

Thank you

---------- Post added at 17:10 ---------- Previous post was at 17:09 ----------

My test results came back.....and yep, the symptoms are all in my head! not in my brain!