View Full Version : positive thought of the day

24-11-13, 11:01
post your positive thoughts and actions for the day
to start i got 10 hours sleep last night :yesyes:

24-11-13, 11:02
8 hours sleep and a bracing walk this morning to start the day.

24-11-13, 11:21
I changed all the tap washers in the place today that I've been putting off for a week due to depression/anxiety. Feel pretty good about myself. :D

24-11-13, 11:22
Think Positive, act positive and your be positive. :yesyes:

blue moon
24-11-13, 11:35
Be who you want to be:D

24-11-13, 13:19
For each positive thought and action, there is hope!

24-11-13, 13:45
I've just walked a mile with my dog and found a new mantra -'I can let this go' 'I can let this pass' 'I can just be'

24-11-13, 14:40
Be kind to yourself, show yourself compassion

24-11-13, 16:40
I've managed two conversations today with two people and managed to feel less awkward/anxious :)

24-11-13, 17:09
I wrote 15,000 words in two days!

OK, they were for the wrong novel, I was meant to be finishing the first draft of my first novel, but OMG I FEEL AWESOME RIGHT NOW!!!!!

24-11-13, 17:39

It is better by noble boldness to run the risk of being subject to
half the evils we anticipate than to remain in cowardly listlessness
for fear of what might happen.

-- Herodotus (485 - 425BC) Greek Historian

25-11-13, 08:48
I slept 8 hours again last night but best of all woke up with no anxiety
Todays going to be a good day :)

Granny Primark
25-11-13, 10:36
If you cant change things why worry about them.

25-11-13, 11:37
Just look after myself and no-one else, then going to arrange decorators to decorate main room for me. Wallpaper £75 per roll no way i'm going to attempt doing that myself it would end up in tatters!

Yes sometimes life can be good.

25-11-13, 12:38
Taking control back of my life. Not over reacting for today.

25-11-13, 17:22
some great stuff on here! I love it.

For me it's a case of ..... get off your butt, stop procrastinating & just do it!!!!

NE21 worrier
25-11-13, 19:09
I've got clean sheets to climb into tonight having changed my bedclothes :wink:

Nothing like clean sheets...

25-11-13, 19:36
Love clean sheets, NE21!

I finished the first draft of my novel yesterday and I was buzzing! Today I have started writing my next novel whilst I leave the first one along for a few months before editing. I put together the drafted sections I already wrote and have started writing new material for it and the word count is already at 12,000 words. I am a word spilling machine!!

Let's hope all these words actually make sense :blush:

blue moon
26-11-13, 04:25
Free your heart from hatred
Free your mind from worries
Live simply
Give more
Expect less :D

26-11-13, 08:37
beautiful blue clear sky with the sun shining this morning ,todays going to be a good day

26-11-13, 17:27
Time to go home from work; phew; long day not a particularly good one but things are looking up because:
1. i shall forget about my day
2. yummy biryani for tea
3. I have the evening ahead of me to enjoy
4. I have you all as my friends

27-11-13, 08:47
seeing a new therapist tonight and really looking forward to it,i hope to push back the last remaining anxiety I have floating around my head :)