View Full Version : Yet more uncontrollable rage

08-11-06, 19:29
I've no idea whatsoever where it comes from or why it appears but I went bezerk again last night breaking my shopping board into pieces. I just flew off the handle and flew into a rage because I couldn't get it to stand up properly so I smashed it. It seems to be getting worse and worse and the counselling isn't helping as they just stare at me blankly when I tell them I get like this as if they have no idea what is wrong. That's why I think I need a psychologist or psychiatrist. I also get eally upset when I break things as I get attached to items or inanimate objects a I have no humans to get attatched too. Pathetic but true.

08-11-06, 19:43
Sorry to hear you feeling like that hun.

In my experience i tend to get like this when my thoughts roll into one and when i feel like a prisoner in my own mind. I get angry and snappy at every little distraction from my mad thoughts and i lash out and find myself soo difficult to control. I have on occasion smashed things and got quite out of control with it. I have been better since it started to effect my kids as i was snappy with them and it just was not fair. I realise its hard but maybe when you feel these feeling go and lay down, listen to a relaxation tape or have a hot bath - anything that will distract you and enable you to count to ten. If you realy feel like you CANT control it then maybe you should mention it to the doc to refer you to someone who could help.

Hope your feeling ok now!!


08-11-06, 20:57
Thanks Michelle

the trouble with the rage ourburts are I never know when they are going to happen and they happen before I know it. Sometimes I feel a wave of it building up in me but mostly it's like something is taking over me ane the desctruction has hapenned before I know it. It's scary and sometimes even heartbreaking as I destroy items that mean a lot to me. Sometiems I even feel I could harm myself. I actually did once during a very bad bout. And the problem is if I cut myself I won't stop bleeding because of my bleeding disorder.

09-11-06, 01:55
Hi Polly

You sound a little like a bottle of pop thats been shaken!! I know you are not alone with these feelings and you need to find a way of a) relaxing as Michelle says and b) trying to work out what it is that is triggering how you feel and in particular your outbursts.

I am surprised that you are not getting the support you need from your counsellor...maybe you neeed to take this to your GP...and tell your counsellor you are doing that.

You are not alone with this Polly.

Take care


Laissez les bon temp roulez

09-11-06, 03:17
Hi Hun -
I'm sorry that you are having such a rough time right now.
I know what it's like to feel like you can burst into a rage at any time. I think that the biggest problem I had was that the anxiety/panic takes over and sometimes made me feel like I had no control and that really pi@@ed me off. I had to really pay attention and learn to recognize the early signals that I was going to fly off the handle and consciously dial myself back. I even used the same breathing techniques to calm my temper that I use for my anxiety and that seemed to help alot too. It was really hard and I still have little bouts from time to time but it has helped in my situation.
You are definitely not alone in this hun and if you need to talk just let me know :)

09-11-06, 21:06
God, I am the exact same, Try and beat this one!!! I was drinking tea one evening and my son came over and spilt some of it round me as he was trying to climb up on me, I was roasted, I got up and let a row of F***ks out of me and through the cup of tea (Half full) of the wall and it smashed and went everywhere. Luckly Child wasn't hurt. I've since started to bite my tounge, but find I get wound up very easily

Check Out My Anxiety Diary


09-11-06, 22:15
If anything i'm the reverse of you - too calm. I wish i could show more emotion. Yes i get annoyed, but i just can't really let go. I write a lot, letter's pages, magazines, b boards, it's helps let out anger safely. I've writen poety and tried knitting as well. My problem is i can hate people, whatever they do to me. I feel sorry for them. I've been attacked on these boards and just think that person is in pain and can't control themselves.
Perhaps you and i should be locked in a room till i can let off steam (learn from you) and you can stay calm! Yes it can be just as bad to bottle things up as to let it out too often. I have met people with anger management problems and been both physically and verbally threatened. Most of them also have drink/ drug problems (which i in no way suggest you have obviously). They see every day as a battle with everyone out to get them, so they have to get in first with an assult, written, verbal etc.
But that's a choice. I don't go looking for trouble and mix with calm loving people. I avoid those who want to argue. One particular person on this board is trying to get to me especially, but i've just decided to ignor them and they'll get the message and toddle off eventually. Let's see if they reply to this topic and then i can ignor them again lol!

Love to all members

09-11-06, 23:17
Guess that is aimed at me, and I am sorry I don't toddle anywhere, I don't like your self righteous attitude and I speak my mind.

All you do on here is boast about what you have, where you have been and how wonderful you are..........well reality check we arent all that gullible.

Funny how you didnt chose to ignore me when you needed me to remove your £60,000 topic you posted, which by the way you never thanked me for removing for you !!!

I am on here to help people not boast, why are you here as you are obviously cured???.........oh silly me i wont get an answer because you ignore me lol

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote"> I've been attacked on these boards and just think that person is in pain and can't control themselves. </td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

you get 'attacked' because you post things which bloody annoy people !!


'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

09-11-06, 23:21
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote"> My problem is i can hate people, whatever they do to me. I feel sorry for them. I've been attacked on these boards and just think that person is in pain and can't control themselves.

<div align="right">Originally posted by NPS_Paul - 09 November 2006 : 22:15:16</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Did you really mean this? You hate people?


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

09-11-06, 23:29
Gosh Paul !

"I Dont go looking for trouble !" you say !!

I think trouble must be your middle name !!



10-11-06, 15:58
I'm not being funny but can we not post nasty stuff about each other up on here? Or post it up if you want but not in reply to my posts as I have nothing to do with these arguments. I come on here to chat and find solace so I don't need this. This goes for Paul and Tace...if you have anything to say to each other say it away from my posts...PM each other please.

Anyways to the rest of you...thanks for your input...I saw my GP today. I'm lucky I finally found a good one and she agreed I need pychiatric help so she's referong me to a psychologist. She said they can be a bit picky though about who they see so I hope she puts a good case accross. I'm sure she'll try her best. Its just that they sometimes refer you to a community psych nurse if they don't think you're 'bad' enough. Let's face it I can't get much worse! If I did I'd be dead I think. Or someone else might!

10-11-06, 16:02
Hi.I lost my anger and hate once I discovered buddhism.
It helped me deal with my past in a big way.
Peace to all.[:X]

Love xFlyx

10-11-06, 16:46
like you I have uncontrollable anger outbursts and tend to damage things or myself.

A tip I got from a nurse - get an old bath towel - and when the anger rises - try and find the strength to rip and twist and tear the h£ll out of the towel - by taking your anger out this way - it relieves the build up at that moment. You are also not causing damage to yourself or to others or to expensive items.

But of course long term you need to be looking at lessening the stress levels before it reaches boiling point.

Take care and its ok to get angry.


........life is for living not just for surviving

10-11-06, 16:54
Thank you, obviously i mean i can't hate people. Love Paul.

Love to all members

10-11-06, 20:37
panicky plloy - thats great news, hopefully you will get to see the right person and get this thing under control. hang in there hun and it will get better. Pm me if you need to chat and keep me updated on how you get on


10-11-06, 22:03
hey polly i hope you are feeling better.
if your counsellor isnt working for you, demand to see someone else, whether that is a psychologist or a psychiatrist or simply a different counsellor.
its your health and if you arent getting anything out of seeing this person, its simply delaying your recovery, which is not something anyone of us wants (all hail the promise of a quick recovery)
the first counsellor i saw was pants, i mean really bad. sometimes failure to respond to counselling can be due to a clash of personalities, sometimes you meet a counsellor that just isnt up to much.
keep persevering petal!!!


11-11-06, 01:35
I know what its like, I end up throwing my remote across the room atleast once every week. Sometimes I even wake up in the middle of the night in complete fury, and now I'm curious if it is the result of an anxiety attack. I think you're just having a common reaction to becoming extremely frustrated. It goes without saying, but try to relax more, listen to some classic or hard rock when you feel like that. Take care.

14-11-06, 10:15
Thanks agin for your input guys...CFury I like your name lol. That hapenned to me once...I woke up in a fury in teh early hours and broke an old ornament that my gran bought m. I was heartbroken. Actually trashed teh whoel flat that night and ended up slicing my hands open and there was blood everywhere. Took me forever to clean it up. Had my friend over in the early hours trying to clam me down.

10-06-09, 23:19
Hello there.

Some very good insights and information in this post. Anger is never an easy emotion to deal with - especially when it involves someone you care about.

There are as many techniques and therapies in the treatment of anger as there are symptoms and triggers. Some will work for individuals while others may not.

One technique that is guaranteed to produce results is the analysis of what drives this powerful emotion. Anger management classes are highly effective in combating this combating this problematic behavior.

24-06-09, 19:23
I feel that I have broken out of my destructive anger-fests. I don't think there is ever an easy fix and everybody is different. For me, I had to work on my self image and learn how to let go of the past, live in the moment and learn to be at peace. The combination of Zen mediation and anger management classes have been really wonderful in helping me through all this. Keep supporting one another and always be kind. We all need support...that's why we are here.

Be at peace!

24-06-09, 19:37

I don't know if you noticed but this thread is from 2006


31-08-09, 18:19
Unfortunately I totally missed the date on the post. Thanks!:ohmy: