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View Full Version : Bored Today

24-11-13, 21:55
Evening to everyone! Sometimes I feel like I'm not living life, more like I'm sitting around just waiting for life to happen to me. I don't have a high level of anxiety today and for that, I'm thankful. The low level under current of anxiety makes me feel like I'm waiting for something, and I never know what I'm waiting for.

At times I think that I've become so used to the anxiety that I don't know how to function without it. It feels more like an abcense of feeling or like depression.

I just want to feel like laughing and jumping. I want to know who I am without this under current of anxiety. Instead, I end up feeling irritable and not enjoying this day that I have been given. It's like I sometimes just don't know what to do with free time.

What interesting things do you do to distract yourself?

24-11-13, 22:50
There are just small things that remind me how wonderful life can be. Tonight I read my daughter our usual marathon story and went downstairs. My wife went up to say goodnight and found my little girl sobbing her heart out. When I came up I asked why she was crying and she said it was because she loved Daddy so much and she was crying because she was happy. I am nit sure there can be any more powerful motivation to get better and it makes me so determined.

Hope you're feeling better Tanner.

24-11-13, 23:11
Hi CPE. What a great moment that you just had. Thanks for sharing that. I am feeling much better, just waxing philosophically. I just sat down and made a list of all of the things I'm thankful for, which prompted me to get down on the floor and play with my three dogs. Have been watching the new kitten and smiling at it's antics. All of that totally made me forget the waiting feeling.

I just keep remembering that all things take time. Thanks so much for sharing the story of your daughter. Made me smile and gave me a warm heart!