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25-11-13, 00:08
Guys any advice before I jump to any conclusions,

I really don't feel well, feel very dizzy, faint, sweating quite badly. And my stomach is very unhappy. Heart rate is quite fast as well.

I don't know if it's just a bit of panic, I've not had a panic attack for a while this has just come out of the blue. No one is home either I'm scared I pass out :(

Daisy Sue
25-11-13, 00:12
Hi Cammy... have you had these feelings before when you've had panic attacks? It does sound to me like it could be one.. but you can also get like this with a virus or tummy bug.

Try calming your breathing down, and your thoughts - concentrate on something else like the tv or a magazine for a few minutes, and then maybe check your temp. If it's normal, you can probably assume it's just panic.. if it's up, I'd take a couple of paracetamol & try to sleep.

25-11-13, 00:19
Yeah, minus the sore stomach. I've been feeling great for days then just like that I'm feeling horrible again. I don't know how to get out of this horrible circle I'm in :(

Daisy Sue
25-11-13, 00:30
:( I guess time will tell.. if it's anxiety/panic it will go over, & relaxing will help. If it's a bug of some sort you'll probably know by the morning.

I hope you feel better soon and it's just an anxiety blip. It happens, even when we've been on an even keel for ages, so try not to worry.

25-11-13, 00:38
After I have a panic/anxiety attack I seem to feel unwell and unhappy for hours/days. I'm on citalopram and I'm about 9 weeks into it. And I'm waiting to hear back from a psychologist as well. I'm still very confident I have something wrong with my heart :( I'm only 19 too.

25-11-13, 00:49

At 19 years of age, chances are slim to none it's your heart. All your symptoms point to anxiety. That and the fact you're posting on an anxiety forum too.

Use some of the techniques your psychiatrist has shown you or find something to focus on to take your mind off your symptoms.

Sorry you're not feeling well. Feel better soon!

Positive thoughts