View Full Version : brain tumor?!?!

25-11-13, 03:40
Im so worried, ive been suffering with a regular headache one my left side, sometimes its in my temple, eye socket, top of my head and down the side of my neck and it hurts alot. I also get a tingley side of my face and my inside of my ear hurts.
Ive had anxiety for a long time and worried about many illnesses but if I didnt feel rubbish all the time I prob wouldnt worry.
Over the last year ive have more and nore times where I lose my balance and I slurred the odd word when I speak. I feel generally unwell most days and my ears make a weird blowy noise. I also have tinnitus all the time. Im so frightened of a tumor :(

25-11-13, 04:25
It's funny what anxiety can do, it can almost incur all symptoms of what you think you might have... Which creates a very vicious circle

I thought this same thing about a year ago. Have you been checked by a doctor? I am almost certain that you don't have a tumor.

Accept how you feel but don't be a victim of your thoughts. They're just thoughts, they're not real, you're allowing them to control you when you should be in control of them

Love and light xxx

25-11-13, 07:04
Pearl, do you clench your jaw or grind your teeth, either awake or in your sleep?

Or do you spend hours each day looking down at your phone/computer/tablet?

25-11-13, 07:34
Yes I do both, and im very anxious. I also have had months of missed periods or light periods. Which im assuming is or can be caused by hormonal problems caused by tumors xxx
I do carry my four year old on my hip as hes partionally disabled xxx I just think their are so many things that point to tumor, also cant uncontrollable anxiety be caused by one too??? Thanks for replying ladies xx

25-11-13, 07:51
Missed and light periods are incredibly common with anxiety, it's all down to stress hormones in your body. Reducing your anxiety will likely help this problem.

The headache, neck pain, tingling face, tinnitus, ear problems, feeling unwell and balance issues may very well be the result of your jaw clenching and bad posture. The tension in your muscles that builds up can create a whole host of weird symptoms, and given your habits it's far more likely that this is what you're experiencing rather than a brain tumour!

It would be worth visiting your dentist to look at your jaw and ask for some help to stop the night time clenching. Your jaw muscles are very powerful and they can cause a lot of irritation and inflammation if they're being overused.

It would also be worth giving yourself a break from bad postures looking down at your phone or tablet. Your head weights a lot, and holding it in a looking down position is incredibly draining on your muscles in your chest, back, shoulders, neck, jaw, head and face. If you're doing this for hours a day imagine the strain on your body! No wonder you've been feeling bad. Your eyes may be irritated from looking at screens constantly too.

For the posture stuff you could give yourself regular breaks from looking down at phones or sitting at computers, don't do it for hours on end. If you work with a computer take breaks to stretch every 20 mins. Put away your phone in the evenings, and do something with your head in a neutral position rather than looking down. If that doesn't help then it might be worth visiting a physio to have a chat and assessment, or looking up some exercises for 'text neck' or 'forward head posture'.

25-11-13, 16:31
My aches are always only my left side, can tension happen on just one side. Also ive been talking to someone who has a tumor on a piritury gland. Now thats scared me so much amd I could have that cuz of the anxiety and the lack of normal periods. Im petrified x

25-11-13, 16:37
Yes often the tension is just on the side of the jaw that's most affected, for me it's the left side where I get all the pain and tension.

Stop scaring yourself by learning about rare problems, and start considering what makes the most sense. Reread the posts I've written here, and think about how they apply rationally to your own experience.

25-11-13, 16:45
My ache is in my temple down my cheek and also behind my ear and downthe back of neck. Its constant but variable strength. I get tingling cheek so im assuming its pressing in a nerve :( :(

---------- Post added at 16:45 ---------- Previous post was at 16:44 ----------

Ps. I also has low proclactin levels and its that that sstarting me worrying but also had pain

25-11-13, 16:49
About the jaw ache - read what I wrote again and visit your dentist.

And read again what I wrote about bad posture when reading on your phone/computer ect. and how this can add to what you're feeling.

25-11-13, 16:59
Nasal drainage is a piritury tumor symptom. Ive had this for sometime x

25-11-13, 17:01
Hi Pearl, you're not really listening to what I'm saying here, so I'm bowing out of the conversation. The information I've given you will be really useful to you if you choose to pay attention to it and research it.

Instead of looking for the worst possible reason for your symptoms, you need to look at the most likely reason for them.

You also need to do some work on your anxiety, CBT would definitely be worth doing.

25-11-13, 17:12
Pearl, I think that you said it very well. You said that if you didn't feel like rubbish, you wouldn't be worrying. What most of us HA sufferers don't understand, is it is our worrying that creates the horrible cycle that causes us to feel like rubbish.

We would rather believe that something drastic is wrong with us, rather than to take responsibility for creating our own monsters. I find it helpful to accept the fact that the symptoms are anxiety related. It will get easier the more often that you work at it.

25-11-13, 17:56
Nasal drainage is a piritury tumor symptom. Ive had this for sometime x

It's also a symptom of allergies.

Positive thoughts

26-11-13, 04:14
Nasal drainage is a piritury tumor symptom. Ive had this for sometime x

I assume you were referring to me when you mentioned you were talking to someone who has a pituitary tumor. I assure you, Nasal drainage is not a symptom of a pituitary tumor, neither is low prolactin, heck prolactin is the last hormone to go down even if pan-hypopituitarism were to occur. Listen to what everyone is telling you, and stop worrying, as hard as this might sound, just let it be. Unilateral headaches with neck involvement could be cause by muscular problems, in any case, I cannot give medical diagnosis online, so you should consult your physician if it becomes bothersome. Consult your physician about the symptom, not the problable causes, some of which are highly unlikely.

I recommend you listen to the song "Never say goodbye". I love the part where they say: "You'll never live if you are just too afraid of dying". Live, and enjoy your family, focus on the good, and overlook the bad.

Best wishes.:yesyes:

26-11-13, 06:54
Pearl I have just been through all of these symptoms withing the last few months, the jaw clenching that Honeylove is talking about sound 100% correct, My same symptoms had me rushing to three different Doctors offices to try and track down a reason for them, I received my test results from a CT scan of my brain and sinuses, all negative..... as sure as I am that this is stress/anxiety, if the posts on this forum do not put your mind at ease, then go and see a DR, it does not hurt to use these professionals to reassure yourself :)

And do yourself a favor and stay off Google!