View Full Version : Work called.

25-11-13, 15:40
Hi there,

So why is it when work calls me and I can't go in cause of important plans for the day, cause eps he never I say no to them I feel so quilty and it eats me up inside. Anyone else feels the same as me? Please write back. Thank you!

25-11-13, 16:34
Can you explain further, I can't work out what you are trying to say here??

25-11-13, 16:43
Hi there I'm sorry, I re read my thread and it makes no sense! So I have plans on my day off, and work phoned me to work and I had to say no I always feel so guilty saying no to work when they phone me and it's not like I'm lying I do have important plans. I just want to know if I should feel this way and if anyone else feels the same way as I do?

Please help me!

25-11-13, 16:50
If it is your planned day off then you shouldn't be feeling guilty for saying no.

25-11-13, 16:53
Thank you Annie!