View Full Version : Feel like phoning an ambulance...

25-11-13, 16:52

I have suffered with anxiety for a year now... I have had 2 marks, ECG balance testing and all sorts... I suffer with really bad dizzy spells... All my tests have come back clear and I've been diagnosed with Mal disembarkment syndrome from a flight from Japan.

I keep getting the most awful waves of dizziness and weird head pressure over me and I ended up having to leave work as I felt so poorly...

Im now sat here and I can't figure out if I'm having a panic attack or whether something horrible is actually happening to me...

25-11-13, 17:25
Hi there
That dizziness really is awful isn't it? I think if you've had tests then you should be reassured its caused by the disembarkment diagnosis. Of course your anxiety about it will be making it worse. Many years ago I had a weeks holiday on the broads and that's when my dizzy issues started which over time became full blown anxiety. Have they suggested any treatment for you? How long do the attacks last? I know how debilitating it can be but once the anxiety kicks in its hard to tell the actual symptoms apart. Dizziness and head pressure is very common for anxiety sufferers. Hang in there and try not to panic ( I know that's hard).
Hope you feel better soon

25-11-13, 17:33
The dizziness has ruined my life :( I have balance therapy which started to work but I'm now feeling horrendous again :(
I have this fear that either I'm about to faint or that it's leading to something awful like a seizure...
I'm jut fed up of feeling dizzy and poorly...
I just have to try and tell myself if I went to hospital I've had all the tests and there all normal...

25-11-13, 18:09
The fear is feeding your symptoms. Are you being treated for your anxiety? I wish I could help you. I know how it feels when this gets a grip on you.

25-11-13, 18:14
I know I'm stuck in a vicious circle.., I was having CBT but back in May.
The problem is when I try and relax or lye down to do breathing exercises it makes my dizziness worse.
I feel like I'm spiralling down hill again...
I just want to feel well again :(

25-11-13, 18:38
I really feel for you I too suffer with dizziness its my worst symptom ,when I get it I cant do anything like you I think alsorts ,its so hard believing that its only anxiety its awful what it can do ,my problem is I focus on my dizziness to much so im keeping it going hope you feel better soon :hugs:

25-11-13, 20:19
I focus on mine to much.. I'm constantly waiting for it to happen its horrible..
Nothing's ever happens but I'm so scared it will :(

---------- Post added at 20:19 ---------- Previous post was at 18:50 ----------

I am really struggling again :(
Shaking and I am so so so dizzy.... I don't know what to do....

25-11-13, 21:18
U have my upmost sympathy, I too am suffering with dizziness. It's my most feared symptom and I spend all day waiting for it to happen. So of course it does. At the moment my anxiety is sky high. I constantly worry about about my brain. Tumour, aneurysm, ms or something equally as scary. I have had cbt but didn't really connect with the therapist. I'm also on no meds, through my own choice. I also get a sensation that I'm falling when I'm obviously not. All scary stuff xx

25-11-13, 21:54
Read the other thread started today by Mumofhjo. You can beat this.
Sal x

25-11-13, 23:12
Hi Sydney, take a look at the other post that Sal mentioned.
Dizziness seems to be a really common symptom for all of us!
I get that falling sensation to... I am always waiting for it to happen and like you it does!!
I had CBT which helped but it was why I was going through testing... Now I know I'm physically ok apart from this syndrome I feel I need it again to get through this stage that the dizziness will cause nothing to happen! Hope you have a good day tomorrow :)