View Full Version : Not doing well, need help fast. (separation)

09-11-06, 00:57
Hi all new here. I'm having some severe separation anxiety at the moment. Due to a very unique sequence of events I've lost total contact with a friend.(no Internet, no phone, no one else that has more info, nothing.) Its been about 2 days now, what makes it worse is with my panic disorder i worrier a lot. They went in for surgery, and assured me they would make contact to let me know they are fine, they are aware of my condition. I've been crying quit a bit, very shakey and cant focus on anything,derealization has kicked in and much more, any suggestions?

09-11-06, 01:24
Hi ribkage

I'm really not sure what to suggest....can you contact hospitals or places where your friend might be.

I think it is a difficult one...was it a big op or a minor one? If it was minor they are probably Ok...but if they are in hospital they will be getting all the care they can.

The fact you don't know how to contact is making you feel worse than if you had a number...your friend will be the same either way.

Hope something works out for you


Laissez les bon temp roulez

09-11-06, 01:35
As far as I know it was minor, on the arm. But there are many place to call and check its a pretty big city, and might not even be one in the area, and if none of them can give me any info I know it will make it worse. I was suppost to been contacted yesterday from them.

09-11-06, 11:14
hi im sure everything is ok.if your friend is in hospital then it will be difficult to get to phone out.i was in hospital with my son and couldnt always contact hubby,ward phone broke for one.does your friend live near could you not get someone to call round to there house for you.tc tracy

09-11-06, 13:25
Oh, ribkage... I do understand this soooo well! Try to step back and relax. I don't know if this will help or not, since your friend is in hospital, but I know when I get so terrified like that from lack of contact, I TRY to remind myself that it's more than likely that everything is fine and that my brain chemistry is just whacko. I tell myself that I'm being irrational. Sometimes it helps, although often it doesn't.

It will be okay, though. No matter what happens, you will be okay. That's the other thing I try to remind myself. That even if the worst I can imagine happens, eventually the hurt will fade and life will go on.

But you are most likely falling victim to the panic and your friend is probably fine. so take my virtual hug: ((((((((((((ribkage))))))))))))

and try to be kind to yourself. it'll be okay.

10-11-06, 14:40
Im sure everything is ok with your friend,like tam said it may be difficult to use a phone.;)

Ellen XX