View Full Version : social interaction

25-11-13, 16:57
just been to the doctors to talk about my citilapram, asked if i could go up to 30mg, first thing he asked was whats wrong with you, i said anxiety and slight depression, but more anxiety, and i said i want to go up in dose to hopefully make me feel normal again, which i think is a reasonable thing to say.. his reply was well whats normal!!!, i said well no anxiety, no worrrying about loved ones 24/7. which i think isnt normal, and also i said no mind chatter that keeps me awake at night, at wich point he laughed at me and said never heard of mind chatter before! that made me feel realy stupid, and then he went on to say i need social interaction???? wtf. i got an upped dose to 40mg. funny thing is i only asked for 30mg, you think doctors are there to help you, but some can make you feel small and stupid. this doctor i will never see again, and realy thinking of complaining about him. to be told i need social interaction when he knows nothing about me, i work, i have a girlfriend, im going on holiday in january to teneriffe, isnt that social interaction???? what a day lol

25-11-13, 17:15
Hi Martin

I agree with you, you need to change doctors I am on 40 mg too but I have a good doctor who listens. Do don't need to feel like that its hard enough adjusting to theses tablets in the first place