View Full Version : I had a panic attack at hospital

25-11-13, 17:44
Hi all. Well today was eventful. I had an anxiety attack just before I was about to have a CT scan with the dye. As I'm fearful of hospitals, docs and anything medical my heart rate went upto 100. So they couldn't do it because it would give a blurred image. So now I've got to wait till next week and I've been given a beta blocker to rake 1/2 hour before I'm due. Scared stiff of taking this blooming tablet. What a waste of time I feel so low now. Why can't I control my fears. :blush:

26-11-13, 12:31
hi there the beta blocker is fine ,a few months ago I had the same test done all was well then went back to the ward and had a bad panic attack .don't be to hard on yourself

26-11-13, 15:22
Hi, Susie thank you for getting back to me. Did you take the beta blocker just for the scan or are you on them regularly?

26-11-13, 20:53
hi no I didn't take them for the test but have taken them a few years ago they are fine honestly:)