View Full Version : Anyone ever just come to the realization at how hard life can be?

25-11-13, 20:13
I get so worried. Just today I started thinking about my career (I'm only 20) and if I'll be able to do it for the rest of my life. I get so depressed about it, that sometimes I feel like just stopping because it's so hard.

Some days I just feel like crying because I start overthinking about my health anxiety and the future. I used to always be so happy, but I'm not sure if it's because of the stress from school and my health anxiety that I feel so down. I'm just so worried in developing depression because of my possible brain tumour. (I have brain tumour anxiety)

I'm so nervous that it's the tumour making me feel this way :(

26-11-13, 01:13
I have spent all my life worrying about everything and Im pretty sure you don't have a brain tumor.

When you sit back and think about your Career, just remember (from someone 20 years older), I never stuck at doing what I started out doing. Things will constantly change through your life so what you start out doing today may not be what you want to do in 10 years. Thinking about what kind of career you will have at the age of 20 is an unreasonable pressure to put on yourself. How about you do what makes you happy, make money, travel, go out with your friends. Enjoy the time you have with your family. Once you have all of that in check, everything else will fall together. Just let it go into the universe and believe, what will be will be.

Depression is common with someone who has anxiety. Just relax, get excited about life and go with the flow, stop putting so much pressure on yourself. :) I wish I had someone like me tell me this at 20 - imagine where I would be now :)

26-11-13, 07:04
Work to live......Don't live to work, I have changed careers so many times........I have been a DJ, Sound engineer, photographer, Chef, Truck driver, Retail assistant, office worker, Pick and packer, Writer, journalist, and more, there is nothing wrong with not having your career in order, do what you enjoy at the moment if things change then worry about it then,

I have spent the last few months worrying about a brain tumor too, been for scans and to specialists, all fine, tumors are extremely rare, and I know your next line of thought is.....what if I am the rare case? I know I had it too, go to a dr if you need reassurance, they are professionals they spent 10 years of there life studying, focusing on their career so they can meet people like us and do everything in their power to fix us( not to mention the years they have been practicing medicine)

Relax, other people are dealing with the same anxiety as you, so you have support.

If you need to talk, please message me it is tough and it can not be fixed overnight, but it will get better :)

28-11-13, 02:33
Thank you both for such positive thoughts!

I will keep everything in mind :) going to try to live without the worry of something terribly bad happening to my health, and my future career.

Much love :hugs:

08-12-13, 23:54
I'm feeling in this slump again :( I was alright all day then I was sitting with my dog and it seems like everytime I'm with him he always sniffs my left breast. I've posted about this before, but does anyone think it's alarming? He sniffs it for maybe a minute, in the same spot every time I come near him. Makes me worried it's breast cancer. :(

09-12-13, 07:02
I've never been particularly career minded but everything went out the window when I had kids. I simply work for the money now and work as little as I need to to support us as the time with family is so much more important than work. Seeing my kids grow up and knowing I've have as full a hand in teaching them is the better reward for me.

Mr Mannering
09-12-13, 09:09
I worked hard over the years to get to the position I wanted. Mainly for the salary. All my life especially at 20 I thought 'I need to be in this position by the time I'm 30. And I was but let me tell you this. By the time I was 33 and after what I now see as life changing experiences I started to suffer panic attacks and anxiety about my health and am still fighting the fight shall we say however It did open my eyes to the fact that it doesn't matter what you do for a living or how much you earn so long as you live within your means and have a very healthy life work balance. Believe me that time spent with friends and family and your own hobbies really does outshine work even if you really enjoy your job. Needless to say I never work after my set hours anymore and probably never will and it is the only thing so far I have to thank HA for. Also you wont know this yet but you will not be the same person at 30 that you are at 20 even if you think you will be because life teaches you some very valuable lessons along the way. For the better I might add hence the phrase turning into your parents :)

09-12-13, 17:51
Life is not hard, nor is it easy. It's not fair nor unfair.

Life just is. All we have in it is our reaction to what happens.

When you start to think about that and learn to control how you react to things, to be proactive instead of reactive, then life can feel easier again :)

That's been key to my getting over anxiety issues.