View Full Version : Low blood pressure.

25-11-13, 21:11
Hi. I am suffering from low blood pressure and of course, my stupid anxious brain is saying, 'you have diabetes! you have heart disease! you're going to die of a stroke!' etc. I'm an idiot thinking about the last two things as I'm only 19, but still.. It HAS happened to young people and I'm freaking out.. :weep:

I fainted today and had to stay in the doctors another hour because every time they checked my blood pressure every 10 minutes, they said it was still 'too low'. Even when I was getting ready to leave and felt fine, I STILL had low blood pressure. I can't remember what the number was, but it was between 60 - 70.

I'm scared that I'm going to get a horrible disease and die. :( I am seeing a doctor, by the way. A specialist as well. They don't know what's up yet. I'm scared that it's diabetes too! :weep:

Can someone reassure me please? My health is CRAP. Has been since last year. Constant depression, have some anxiety throughout the day (depends what I'm doing), and I can barely sleep. Last night, I didn't get one hour of sleep. :(

25-11-13, 21:23
My blood pressure has always been very low. It is better to have low blood pressure than high blood pressure. You actually are at much less risk of heart disease and strokes if your blood pressure is low.

25-11-13, 21:27
Hi Annie! :D Thank you for the reply. I feel better to know that. I just asked my dad since he's just come home and said the same thing. Do you feel lousy most days like me then?

25-11-13, 21:32
Blood pressure is read by Systolic/Diastolic. 90/60 to 120/80 is considered normal. I assume the "60-70" was your diastolic reading? Having blood pressure on the lower end of the scale is actually better. Some people have naturally low blood pressure. Some other reasons can be medications or physical reasons. There are no real dangers having a low BP in of by itself but it can cause dizziness or in your cause faintness.

The doctor will look into it and decide if it needs treatment but it's no real cause for alarm. I's much more concerning to have high blood pressure.

Positive thoughts and prayers.

25-11-13, 21:45
Thank you, fishmanpa! I'm just curious if anti-depressants cause low blood pressure? I've been taking Sertraline since September and thinking about coming off them since they're not working, but my doctor insists to stay on them a bit longer. :( Is there any way to prevent it from getting too low? I hate feeling faint and dizzy so much.

25-11-13, 21:55
Thank you, fishmanpa! I'm just curious if anti-depressants cause low blood pressure? I've been taking Sertraline since September and thinking about coming off them since they're not working, but my doctor insists to stay on them a bit longer. :( Is there any way to prevent it from getting too low? I hate feeling faint and dizzy so much.

Drugs like Setraline (Zoloft) can cause low BP. DO NOT go off of it without your doctor's supervision! Speak to him about it. Perhaps a dosage adjustment will help.

Positive thoughts

PS. I was on Zoloft for depression after my 1st heart attack and bypass surgery and it messed me up (stomach problems etc.) so I'm not surprised to hear of the side effects. I hated the way it made me feel. I had to wean off of it.

25-11-13, 22:19
I do feel a little dizzy and tired sometimes but I find that if I eat regular (little and often) it helps to stop the blood pressure dropping too far.

26-11-13, 22:13
So sorry to hear about your heart attack, fishmanpa! :hugs:I've been eating frequently today and been feeling a lot better.

26-11-13, 22:15
Eating frequently does make a big difference...glad you feel better today.