View Full Version : Need to know I am ok

09-11-06, 03:27
I have had three operations between mid Arpil 06 and end of July 06. One was for a mini tummy tuck, the second was for a bowel scan and the last was a sinus operation.

After I had the tummy tuck operation I started getting health anxieties. Which I am taking control of through councelling, but the last few days I have been thinking that something is going to happen to these operations in such a short time. A couple of weeks ago I felt really unwell and tired and it took me nearly a week to get back on my feet. I went to the doctor and he said that I am run down and I do too much. I had blood tests and they were all negative, so I knew that he was right. I got thinking that maybe the operations have done something.

Please let me know your thoughts.


09-11-06, 08:59
Hello Deb
I'm sorry to hear your news. You were unlucky to need 3 ops in such a short space of time. It's not surprising that you are having some worries about it all now. However, what's done is done. Most of all be kind to yourself. There were good reasons, I am sure, why you had the ops and it will take your body some time (physically and psychologically) to recover. I think docs often just look at physical health and not how you feel psychologically. It can take a long time to recover, Nov 06 now, still early days! Mention your latest worries to your counsellor. The more you can talk about it and express your fears, the sooner you may find you feel a bit better. I wish you well. Cobweb

09-11-06, 17:38
Hey Deb

I reckon your doctor could be right. You've had a lot to cope with this year. These surgeries take it out of you. Your body needs time to recover even when the visible signs are healed. You probably are just run down. Look after yourself well. I find I am better when I make sure I eat well (low GI) and don't stay up too late (like in the chatroom!).

At least doc has done the blood tests for you and he is happy. Also anxiety takes extra energy itself, so this can also make you tired. Make sure you take time out for yourself sometimes. Just for the sake of it. Have a relaxing bath, or go for a stroll in the fresh air (without an agenda like the shopping).

This will give your mind and body the time it needs to recover. Glad you're seeing a counsellor, that will really help reassure you too. Do you have any relaxation exercises or tapes?


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.