View Full Version : Brain Tumour fear 19 year olds :/

26-11-13, 00:26
Hello everyone,

as the title says,im afraid i might have a brain tumour of some sort. I really dont know who to ask about it and i came across many posts form this site on the web from people with similar fears. I know i might sound stupid or very scared but i really dont know what to think,every time i search google i end up being more scared than relieved.T he whole brain tumour thing started some weeks ago. Before i describe what im experiencing i have to admit that i know im a hypohondriac. I always were,but my hypochondria skyrocketed some months ago when i thought i had colon cancer. I was experiencing many symptoms of colon can cer and i thought i did have it. But after many exams and a colonoscopy,it turned out i had IBS. My colon cancer fear disappeared ,but the whole cancer fear apparently never left me.

Well,lately i felt different throughout the day,i would yawn and might take little naps around the day,so i did the mistake to search it and one of the possible medical conditions was brain tumour. I didnt really payed much attention and i kept searching about it for days,always coming up with brain tumour as a cause. I never really took it into account,but one night i had a mild to strong headache suddenly which lasted for like half an hour and went away. Immediately i panicked and thought "Whoa-google was right". The next day immediately when i woke up i started researching about brain tumours,i found the statistics,the symptoms. Long story short,my life became hell again. After that incident i do get some small or mild headaches in random places in my head but mainly on the upper front part of the head,before the forehead. But i have to admit i do notice that if im happy with friends and stuff and not thinking about it,i dont have any,but when i start thinking it,BOOM,it returns immediately or after some time.

Other than headaches and the yawn-drowsiness thing i have what i think might be a visual problem. I know i might sound ridiculous,but i think i might have binocular diplopia. Nothing really changed in my vision,i do see fine,BUT i started noticing that i can see my nose,and i see it as TWO semi transparent shadows,so im not sure if this is diplopia,i never noticed it before,so please any insight would be amazing. Also id like to add that my yawn-drowsiness thing might have started because of three things. My whole life i ve been kinda depressed,and many depression tests i tried said i do,so yeah my mood is not generally good. Lately due to some problems with my university,i have not been attending to classes,so im the whole day at home being bored and doing nothing than play games on a computer. So i though that might be the reason. Also,due to that situation,my sleeping habits changed and i tend to be awake at night and sleep at morning. Still sleeping the same time,just changed hours. So i guess that might be the reasons - i hope at least.

So after giving all this information i would like if it s possible to hear your thoughts about my situation. I live alone thus i dont have lots of money,so i wouldnt like to make a visit to the doctor for nothing. Does anyone know if my symptoms do sound like brain cancer? Is it possible that all these are anxiety and in my head? Also,is the nose thing normal? Im sorry if this post has been too long,i tried my best to be sort :/ . Also pardon me if my english are terrible. English are not my mother tongue. Thanks for everyone putting time into reading this and provide some help!

26-11-13, 00:59
Gotta say Navy.... I'm not a doctor but taking into account your entire post, I would have to say it's not a brain tumor. sounds totally anxiety related.

It would be wise to look into some kind of therapy, CBT, meds or a combination of some sort to help alleviate the stress you're causing yourself.

I don't know if you've heard but Dr. Google is being sued for malpractice and causing undue stress to HA sufferers ;)

Positive thoughts!

26-11-13, 02:28
Thanks for your reply! I guess i should :/ But even seeing my nose double is normal?

26-11-13, 06:24
Hey Navy,

I read you post and relate to this, I have had vision problems and headaches for about the past 4-5 weeks, I have been for scans and seen specialists, I never considered stress/anxiety for the cause, all my results came back today Negative, what you are describing sounds exactly what I have been dealing with too.......

They came about when I really started worrying about my health, Do you find yourself clenching your jaw??? Be aware of it now and I am sure you will find that you are, Do you look down at a phone or anything a lot? this can cause headaches.

Anxiety is a mental thing it is like the adrenalin you get when you are in a dangerous situation, It has been explained to me by a shrink that it is like the bodies fight or flight response, muscles contract for no reason..... your pupils can dilate.....for no reason, all these reactions the body is going through is using extra energy explaining tiredness, please try and relax,(I know it is easier said than done)

And mate you have to get off the computer games, escaping from this reality will cause it to get worse, I have seen a close friend become a complete recluse delving into online games, I have even done it myself, Get out, get some exercise, start a sport, see your friends, go to class, do any of these things.....start small if you have to, but things will get better.

It really doesn't sound like a tumor!!!!

And most of all don't Google it!!!!

26-11-13, 07:19
Thanks for your reply! I guess i should :/ But even seeing my nose double is normal?

It's normal to see everything doubled that you're not focused on. If you hold your finger in front of you and focus on it, everything in your peripheral vision will be doubled - that's just normal eyesight. Same goes for your nose!

27-11-13, 05:47
Thank you all for your replies! :bighug1: I guess its probably anxiety,cause i do notice if im busy doing something that i like and i dont think at all of the brain cancer fear,i dont get headaches. I hope they will resolve and i wont be forced to bug docs with my problems :P