View Full Version : Does anyone's heart feel like its going to stop?

09-11-06, 05:00
I don't know what the heck is wrong..I know that I post here way to much but forgive me.. please..I have had two doctors check me. A gp that said there was a murmur..which to this day im confused on because a mumur is suppose to be a noise in the heart between the lub-dub sound..I downloaded sixty and didn't hear anything like what my heart sounds like..I am really worried about myself..I have lost about 35 pounds in about three months.I eat and get hungry but don't seem to care about extra food.I eat breakfast and then i eat dinner and thats all.My gp didn't take blood test.. and I can't figure out why ..just like she didn't take a ekg either when she told me I had a murmur ,but i don't know if everything is related to eating less and weight loss than something else..My heart seems to beat harder..but not faster..As everyone knows already I can hear my heartbeat but hear an extra luh-dub adub..I wrote another doctor online that said that is a extra beat..Normal cardiac event...Well I know my body and it feels like my heart one day will just fail..There are many anxiety feelings..which most I get an ignore ,but can weight loss cause a change in the way you feel with your heart..Last night I was up late and so very tired and my heart beat hard and slow.. like it was on its last beats..I guess I can notice is because I can hear it sometimes which is most the time and it just sound like it was going to give out.This isn't new it was like this the other day at both doctors office and my blood pressure was up but neither seem concerned about it. I don't get it. and this is the really weird thing..although my blood pressure was up my heartbeat was about normal ..I mean as far as rate..At night it gets down sometimes to 64 and stays there...and during the daytime its almost a perfect 72 but seems to beat hard...but not fast..I don't think its possible for two specialist to have missed anything but it seems that most people know their bodies..and mine just doesn't feel like i used to feel but of course im 35 pounds lighter..That brings me to another point..if i lost that much weight that fast isn't that in fact a flag or did they just mark it off as depression? When I sleep I sleep long and when I wake my eyes look like I haven't slept in years.. and my heart keeps feeling like its about to stop..With everything I have said here does anyone else ever feel that their hearts are going to give out and just stop one day .? Could everything Im saying here just be worry.. and I just need to try to ignore it? do most feel this way when they are anxious?about themselves?Also I have been experiencing missed beats more than usual.It seems to be associated with stomach acid..I got them the other day when we ate out because we hadn't eat much that day and I was anxious and we had company over the other night and i was anxious and got them then.. and off and on now and then about everyday ,but usually seems to be associate with stomach gas..

11-11-06, 09:17

11-11-06, 16:53
I don't know if weight loss can cause a change in the way you feel about your heart. But 35 pounds is a lot of weight, maybe you just hear your heart more clearly after losing the weight?
The weightloss can easily be an effect of anxiety/depression, that is very common and nothing to worry about.
Your heartrate seems fine to me, 72 during daytime is perfect and it's normal for your heartrate to be slower at night.
I know the feeling you're talking about when your heart beats slowly and hard. And I agree, it does sort of feel like it will just stop.
But trust me, it won't. Heartrates can be very slow or very fast or both or somewhere in between, but your heart doesn't just stop like that.
You have been checked out and you KNOW with your concious mind that your heart is fine.
My therapist told me to be glad that my heart was beating hard. She said to thank it for beating. Beating for me, beating for life, for my kids, for my love, stuff like that.
Sorry I can't be of more help, I've had this feeling on and off for about 3 years now, and my heart hasn't stopped yet.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

12-11-06, 00:34
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I don't know if weight loss can cause a change in the way you feel about your heart. But 35 pounds is a lot of weight, maybe you just hear your heart more clearly after losing the weight?
The weightloss can easily be an effect of anxiety/depression, that is very common and nothing to worry about.
Your heartrate seems fine to me, 72 during daytime is perfect and it's normal for your heartrate to be slower at night.
I know the feeling you're talking about when your heart beats slowly and hard. And I agree, it does sort of feel like it will just stop.
But trust me, it won't. Heartrates can be very slow or very fast or both or somewhere in between, but your heart doesn't just stop
like that.
You have been checked out and you KNOW with your concious mind that your heart is fine.
My therapist told me to be glad that my heart was beating hard. She said to thank it for beating. Beating for me, beating for life, for my kids, for my love, stuff like that.
Sorry I can't be of more help, I've had this feeling on and off for about 3 years now, and my heart hasn't stopped yet.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

<div align="right">Originally posted by Hexia - 11 November 2006 : 16:53:04</div id="right">
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In the last few days I have been worried that it doesn't sound right.Stupid me I posted on yahoo questions about what if it doesnt sound right and got many many answers of negative things like I better go to the doctor again and let them do all kinds of test.My wife listens to it but can't hear what im telling her about.I suppose its the fact that I can hear it in my ears it sounds as though it radiates all over me.I get so fearful about the beat being a fib and things like that but if that were true i would most like being feeling other things.I just get worried that the doctors just overlooked something.You did help and at least you answered..Thank you .

12-11-06, 10:33
Hi ya hun,

Firstly mate can I say that don't let the fact not many people have answered make you think that what you are talking about is unusual or odd - it's not!!!

Secondly if I were you and did a post thats gonna be quite long then I would break it up with paragraphs, as one long mass of words can be really tiring on the eyes and sometimes puts people off reading the whole thing (just a thought).

Thirdly I would go back to the doctors - the only reason I say this is that sometimes we need to hear everything is ok from someone that really knows. I have a murmur and I don't give it much thought because I have been reassured by the doctor that all is ok. One of the most common symptoms of anxiety and panic originates from us worrying about abnormal heart actions, so it makes sense to get this put to bed from the horses mouth so to speak.

I do find it helps to read others posts on things to do with the heart too, cos sometimes I find that someone else has expressed just what I feel but written it better than I could and then I get reassurance I'm not alone.

Finally in answer to your original question - yes sometimes I do feel my heart might stop!!!

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

12-11-06, 11:09
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi ya hun,

Firstly mate can I say that don't let the fact not many people have answered make you think that what you are talking about is unusual or odd - it's not!!!

Secondly if I were you and did a post thats gonna be quite long then I would break it up with paragraphs, as one long mass of words can be really tiring on the eyes and sometimes puts people off reading the whole thing (just a thought).

Thirdly I would go back to the doctors - the only reason I say this is that sometimes we need to hear everything is ok from someone that really knows. I have a murmur and I don't give it much thought because I have been reassured by the doctor that all is ok. One of the most common symptoms of anxiety and panic originates from us worrying about abnormal heart actions, so it makes sense to get this put to bed from the horses mouth so to speak.

I do find it helps to read others posts on things to do with the heart too, cos sometimes I find that someone else has expressed just what I feel but written it better than I could and then I get reassurance I'm not alone.

Finally in answer to your original question - yes sometimes I do feel my heart might stop!!!

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

<div align="right">Originally posted by Piglet - 12 November 2006 : 10:33:19</div id="right">
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Hi sweetie,

I suppose you are right..I don't know why I have gotten so paranoid about this ...I also had some thoughts tonight that it took me a little bit to think about or soak in but maybe its whats going on..First of all..The hearing my heartbeat so well from wherever the heck its coming from would probably be due to loss of fat around the heart and around the inner ear tissue..that is some thoughts from a cardiologist that is a Harvard Yale doctor.I brought to his attention the phenomen known as Patious Eustician Tube.I think the spelling is correct if not let me know.Its a vertially unknown condition that comes from losing weight.I brought it to his attention and he was delighted.He said that the only bad outcomes that he found was that the condition was treated using deconjestants,ear tubes and thinking it was from anxiety.Its misdianosed a lot.But anyway its still annoying but also he mentioned that hearing my pulse would be easier from loss of fat around the heart which I think someone else mentioned here.The fact that we are almost 9000 ft means that our metabolism is working three times as fast ,making us lose weight very rapidly .If you lose weight then your heart rate is slower and also works harder to pump more oxygen.Thus the slow almost overworked sound.Also the extra sound that I may or may not be hearing could be a pvc I think that is what you call it or extra beat.I was told by another doctor that unless it was frequent it shouldn't be an issue but its irriitated by caffine and smoking..Well back to drinking sprite and back to cutting down on the caffine..Also said they are caused by stress which im sure that many of you know that I have.Also dehydration which I think would be an impossible thing for me but who knows.I drink about ten or fifteen glasses of water a day plus two to three sodas and also a bit of coffee here and there..I suppose that everyone feels like there heart is going to stop on here maybe thats why everyone else didn't write,maybe its so common they were waiting for someone else to say something.Once again you and the other person that posted to me saved the day ..for me..I thank you and it all makes sense but I will drag myself back to the doctor after I get psyked again to ask ,but really I feel you are correct when you say there is nothing t