View Full Version : help with relapse

26-11-13, 09:31
Okay so I was doing fantastically until someone gave me a new illness to worry about. Now I'm no way back completely to the way I was, but I do feel like I'm going backwards.

Usually my symptoms would go and I'd.move on to the next thing, but these pains are just not going. I'm constantly having pain in my neck, base of my head, top and side of my head (at different times). There not painful exactly, just noticeable.

Yesterday I had pain in the side of my head, temple and eye it was pulsing. Everything I've read says this is a 'warning sign' so I went to bed in.a state.

I have no idea how to get back on the wagon so to speak whilst these pains are still happening :( Any tips?x

26-11-13, 09:50
Ive been posting about the very same thing. Mine is all in my left side, ive been havin it for a few years tho xxx

---------- Post added at 09:50 ---------- Previous post was at 09:43 ----------

http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=145527 .... My post

26-11-13, 10:02
Ive only been having mine a few weeks, it only lasts for a minute or so but its every single day throughout the day. Funnily enough I don't worry about brain tumors but an aneurysm instead xx

26-11-13, 10:07
These are all classic signs of Anxiety, stress, muscle tension etc. . . . I get the twitchy eye quite a lot and its really really annoying. Its mainly when Im super stressed or if I haven't slept very well. The neck pain is most likely coming from the tension in your shoulders. I get it all the time too as well as a tightness on my scalp... Nothing to worry about ... time for a well earned massage :)

26-11-13, 10:13
Roxy with pain in these areas there are two things you need to consider:

- are you spending lots of time every day looking down at a phone/tablet/laptop or spending hours working on a computer?

- are you clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth either awake or asleep?

26-11-13, 10:36
I do spend a bit of time on phones, computers etc but this doesn't feel like the typical eyestrain I've regularly suffered with

No I dont grind my teeth or.clench my jaw x

26-11-13, 10:51
When I get stressed, I notice that my jaw muscles go tight. If you clench your teeth and feel the points of your jaw you'll see what I mean. Sometimes this leaves a little residual pain in my jaw and the side of my head. Relax.

---------- Post added at 20:51 ---------- Previous post was at 20:47 ----------

It's certainly NOT an aneurysm. You'd be in pain like you wouldn't believe.:)

26-11-13, 10:58
I do spend a bit of time on phones, computers etc but this doesn't feel like the typical eyestrain I've regularly suffered with

No I dont grind my teeth or.clench my jaw x

It's not about eyestrain Roxy, it's about muscle tension. Your head weighs a LOT, and when you stay in a posture where your head is bent down looking at your phone it can cause all the problems that you've mentioned because of the extra strain in the muscles of your back, shoulders, neck, face, head and chest trying to hold your head out.

It can cause all kinds of problems, including the pains you've been getting.

Equally when you spend a long time sitting looking at a computer it creates a lot of tension in the same muscles - and it will be even worse if you're sitting in bad postures.

These days we spend so much more time at computers or looking down at gadgets that it's causing a lot of people problems like yours that they may never have had before. We're just not built to spend so long stationery in bad postures. They're calling it 'text neck' for the newer generation, but really it's a posture problem called 'forward head posture'.

It might be a good idea to give yourself a break from looking down at your phone so much, and see if it improves how you feel. Or take regular breaks while you're using your phone & computer, get up, walk about and stretch your muscles. When using your phone bring it up to eye level instead of looking down at it so much. If you'd like to see a professional, physiotherapy is the best route to take - they can assess you and give you exercises to help.

It makes way more sense that these pains are caused from muscle strain than anything more sinister. Give your muscles a break for a while and see how you get on, I bet you'll feel a bit better :)

26-11-13, 11:25
It does make way more sense, however I seem to have lost all sense! Too. Much. Googling!

26-11-13, 11:39
It's your choice what to do with the information I've given you Roxy, I hope you decide to listen and do a little work on your posture x

26-11-13, 12:11
The problem is is that every single thing I've read.about tension headaches is that they.occur.on both sides and that localised pain is due to something else x

26-11-13, 12:28
The last post is exactly what worries me. It says tension is both sides and all mine is only the left side xxx

26-11-13, 12:28
Rosy the problem is not what you've read, but what you choose to believe.

I didn't say you were getting classic tension headaches, I said it was a muscular problem caused by muscle tension - sure it can cause tension headaches, but it's not the same thing.

26-11-13, 13:02
Okay so I was doing fantastically until someone gave me a new illness to worry about. Now I'm no way back completely to the way I was, but I do feel like I'm going backwards.

Usually my symptoms would go and I'd.move on to the next thing, but these pains are just not going. I'm constantly having pain in my neck, base of my head, top and side of my head (at different times). There not painful exactly, just noticeable.

Yesterday I had pain in the side of my head, temple and eye it was pulsing. Everything I've read says this is a 'warning sign' so I went to bed in.a state.

I have no idea how to get back on the wagon so to speak whilst these pains are still happening :( Any tips?x

Don't accept gifts from friends, loved ones or strangers ;)

***Christmas is exempt from this tip... Santa doesn't bring diseases and reindeer don't carry deer ticks ;) ***

Positive thoughts

26-11-13, 13:52

Don't make me tell you more TMI to take your mind off this again!

The simple solution to "every single thing I've read.about tension headaches" is stop reading.

I think that it's either what the wise honeylove says, pregnancy hormones giving you the ouchies or a combination of both

26-11-13, 14:14
Oh Kate I feel like a complete ball of shite! the base of my head is probably muscular, it hurts to touch. But will this cause a one sided headache? Argh.

And to top it off, I've.just tried to turn the tv on with my daughters toy remote and had a paddy that it wouldn't turn on!

26-11-13, 14:28
LOL hey at least you can blame pregnancy-induced-hormones. In the last few days I've put my wet washing in the microwave, used mouthwash as a face cleanser (It looked just like my bloody Clearasil!) and fed the cat a jar of my home-made-took-ages-all-organic baby food instead of the half tin of cheap kittycat that had a big cat and the words "Cat food" on the front!

And yes, I would say it could definitely cause a one sided headache. x

26-11-13, 14:40
Lmao! That reminds me when my dad sprayed himself head to toe with polish instead of deoderant ha!

Oh I do hope so, sick of worrying about aneurysms and bluddy avm!

26-11-13, 14:51
LOL your Dad sounds like my kinda guy!

And babe, I don't usually do this but I did a 2 second google (so you don't have to again) for one sided head pain and got this, top of the first page - http://www.patient.co.uk/health/Headaches-Tension-Type.htm

Note the following two important extracts - "Sometimes it is just on one side. " and
"What causes tension-type headaches? - Emotional tension, anxiety, tiredness or stress.
Physical tension in the muscles of the scalp and neck. For example, poor posture at a desk may cause the neck and scalp muscles to tense. If you squint to read because you cannot see well, this may tense your scalp muscles too.
Physical factors such as bright sunlight, cold, heat, noise, etc.

26-11-13, 15:26
He has also be known to put his wallet in the fridge lol.

That infos really helpful, its the one-sidedness.that.worries me I just hope it thats. Its a mild dull ache that sort of squeezes every now and again.x

26-11-13, 16:05
Hooooney - read it again!

"Sometimes it is just on one side"

Unfortunately nobody ever fits the symptoms of any illness on doctor google exactly (except for the ones that say we will be dead within 6 months - funny how that works) - that's because the information there is very general.

What you describe sounds exactly like the pain I have in my shoulder/upper back - like a dull, noticeable but manageable pain that kind of throbs/pulsates sometimes. That's what makes me think it's muscle related (unless you can get a brain aneurysm in the shoulder.......well, I aint googling that!)

26-11-13, 16:55
Hey Rox...

The only thing that's "one sided" here is your anxiety. C'mon now, the bus just pulled up outside your door and all you need to do is step on. Once the doors close you'll be back on and moving forward.

You've had these kind of niggles before. There's nothing sinister going on here and deep down you know it. Let's go girl! You can do it! We got your back!

Positive thoughts!

26-11-13, 18:38
Thankyou both, you make me feel so much better. I also have shoulder pain, which I will not Google! It will be deathly lol.

It's been a.worrysome day.had.to have an emergency scan but it looks like I'm going to have a little boy :)

26-11-13, 18:54
Congrats on the little boy! That's AWESOME! :)

Positive thoughts!

26-11-13, 18:56
Congrats Roxy, what do you have already? My second child was a boy and I can only say that he has a deal more energy than my little girl!

Fish is right, the bus is waiting, hop on and close the door behind.

26-11-13, 19:01
I have a devil at the minute, sorry a little girl. Who has kindly snapped the arm off of my glasses just as I was getting used to them! Kids ey