View Full Version : The POSITIVE thread :)

26-11-13, 10:18
Before you get all nervous, this thread is not about HIV…

This thread is for your positive stories related to health anxiety, so:

- small victories where you placed yourself out of your comfort zone and survived
- when a scary symptom turned out to be harmless
- a time when you didn't think of your health at all (and felt great)
- any progress you feel you have made with your health anxiety
- a story about someone who overcame their HA/panic attacks/phobias etc.

You are not allowed to post anything negative on this thread! We want inspirational posts here please!

26-11-13, 10:32
Hmm a thought provoking thread.... I like...

Small victories: I went and got a whole ton of blood tests done. I was terrified of needles and blood tests...

Scary Symptom tured out to be harmless: oh my gosh ALL THE TIME.... Seriously, all the time. the worst one I had was when I had a lump under my tounge and it turned out to be a blocked salival duct :blush:
When I was HA free: I love it... I feel free and wonderful :)
Progress: I have done a lot of CBT and I work closely with my Psychiatrist and I have come leaps and bounds... its truly wonderful.
This is not a negative but... I don't actually know anyone who has HA (anyone not online anyway :0) )

26-11-13, 16:55
Well I have one!

I have managed to get myself out of test chasing so it's kind of ironic that yesterday my doctor ended up sending me straight to hospital!

I had woken up in the early hours vomiting like that scene from the exorcist. My body was wracked in pain from my hips to my shoulders. I tottered to my GP's who did a urine test which showed protein.

So, he sent me directly to hospital to be on the safe side. A couple of months ago I would've panicked ("oh no, my lung cancer has spread to my liver and kidneys. bla bla") but not this time.

Oh and the urine test at the hospital came back fine, as did all the blood tests and examinations. I was allowed to go home 7 hours later with food poisoning being blamed.

So, the two positives from this are;

1) Doctors WILL refer you if they have the slightest concern and
2) Even then, it doesn't mean there is anything sinister wrong

26-11-13, 18:28
So good to hear that all was okay. Amazing how you managed it so well and proves we can all make huge steps with this anxiety. Hope you weren't down there too long?

26-11-13, 19:56
Hi Sean

I'm good thanks hon, thank you for asking. I was in maybe 7/9 hours - it was boring and a tad humiliating having to throw up in front of a packed ward, but all was well that ended well!

26-11-13, 23:07
Needing some positivity today :).

Small victories: At a meeting for work, on my own and in a different city away from my family when I was convinced I was going to drop dead any second from an aneurysm. I was so scared at first, but I survived the day (and the subsequent 3 months...)

Harmless symptoms: chest pains,.dizziness, burning upper back pain spreading down my arms into my palms so bad I couldn't move my fingers turned out to be absolutely nothing!

When didnt think about.health: Christmas shopping in town, I didn't think about dying and had the best day.

Progress: I've made heaps of progress. A few.months ago I was.detached from the world and everyone in it, I couldnt be alone, I felt very ill all the time, I.cried all day, googled all day and.constantly visited drs, walk in centres and A.and E. I constantly checked my.temp.blood pressure.and heart.rate. I was an utter mess, whereas now I can lead a normal life again :) x

27-11-13, 01:59
I'd like to share that everything we think is so wrong with us, is not normally the case. We are all still here. And the REAL problems turn out to be something we never even worry about. And the REAL problems get fixed and we go on living.

The human spirit is an amazing thing. We keep going in the face of adversity. Every time I thought I was going to die - I didn't. Even after going to the ER (which does not help the panic). I'm still kicking!

27-11-13, 11:25

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
 with your one wild and
precious life?

-- Mary Oliver, poem, "The Summer Day"

Will you spend it living or worrying?

Positive thoughts!

27-11-13, 12:00
I like it Fishmanps…

Here's one of my favourites - relates especially well to HA:

"If you think you can or you think you can't, you're probably right"

27-11-13, 12:14
I like it Fishmanps…

Here's one of my favourites - relates especially well to HA:

"If you think you can or you think you can't, you're probably right"

Henry Ford! One of my favs :)

27-11-13, 15:49
Well today I'm in lots of pain knees and spine but I know its arthritis and although it makes me miserable, I'm not in a panic or worried about it, so must be a good sign. Simi

28-11-13, 05:09