View Full Version : Is this normal for citalopram please can you guys help??

26-11-13, 10:55
I'm on day 18 of citalopram today I took 10mg for the first week and I'm on day 11 of the 20mg.. The first week was bad with nausea and tiredness but the 2nd week I had glimpses of the old me back like on day 12 I felt completely myself without no panic and anxiety for a good few hours so I assumed it's working for me well since then I seemed to have gone back to being anxious and depressed again?? I know it's only day 18 but I started seeing improvements and now they are gone again is this normal please? Starting to lose hope after feeling great now back to this :-((

26-11-13, 11:05
I think I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. I'm on Day 22 (20mg) and last week was fantastic - I was pretty much back to normal. Then by Friday I crashed really bad and added to my misery by screwing up my dose trying to move it to the morning so I'd sleep better.

The advice in these parts is that you're going to get these "blips" in your recovery as the recovery is not a straight trajectory up. Many people seem to be saying 5 - 7 weeks for the medication to become totally effective.

So early days for us. I had a chat with my GP about this yesterday as I was a bit of a mess so maybe worth doing that if you're worried but keep strong with me as I too am looking for the light at the end of this. :D

26-11-13, 11:20
Aww bless you thank you for the reply what did your doctor say when you spoke to him about it??? X

26-11-13, 11:51
He didn't seem entirely surprised it had happened, and we talked about how there was going to be no quick fix for anxiety and depression.

We chatted about the side-effects and I think he wanted to lower my dose which I wasn't keen on so we came up with the 10mg twice a day plan along with usual short course of Librium (it's a gentler form of diazepam) I seem to come out with! I think when I explained what I'd done with the dose he was okay.

Just hoping that I assuming I don't screw up the dose again I'll have settled down in time for my holiday now!

26-11-13, 16:22
It's completely normal. :-)

26-11-13, 16:46
Three words I am so happy to hear! :D

27-11-13, 17:33
My dr said up and downs.......hopefully more upseventually. Gl all xxx

27-11-13, 18:11
The road to recovery is not a smooth one it seems. My doctor has said the same.

03-12-13, 19:29
It is totally normal, and very early days for you guys. I've been taking citalopram for years now, and found it to really, really help. Medication isn't for everyone I know, but personally I think there's nothing wrong with treating the symptoms, as the symptoms are the things that are stopping you from leading a "normal" life.

Do stick with it and see how you get on, good luck!

03-12-13, 21:05
I'm 8 weeks in now and believe me it gets better just takes time good luck :) x

04-12-13, 08:11
I'm definitely starting to see the benefits already... anxiety free periods like I've never seen in my life. It's such a relief, I'm glad I persisted, and I don't think I could have done it without the help of the people on here. :yesyes: