View Full Version : Fear, Symptoms, And I Don't Care

26-11-13, 12:24
Good Morning,

Woke up this morning with nausea and I don't care. Woke up with legs and arms tight and aching and I don't care. Woke up anxious and I don't care.

I am not letting anxiety win today. It didn't win yesterday and it's not going to win today. It is only anxiety and it can't hurt me. The more that I don't care and am not reactive to it, the faster it will get out of my life and leave me be.

I have done breathing exercises this morning, written in my journal, but did not write, "Whoa is me"! now I am taking the time to commit my intentions to each of you. I will be me today and I will live my life. I will not be defined by anxiety and I will not be defined by symptoms.

I am going to go to work today and give it all I've got. I'm going to find something to laugh about today. I am going to have a healthy breakfast and lunch. Then I'm going to come home and pack for a holiday trip that I know my anxieties will try to get me to worry about. I will cross that bridge when it gets here.

What are each of you going to do today to score a win over anxiety?

26-11-13, 12:28
keep calm and carry on :)

26-11-13, 12:30
Thank you, MrAndy. I intend to do just that!

26-11-13, 12:38
Tanner you are beating this illness imho,it always good to hear that from the outside so well done your doing a great job :)

26-11-13, 12:51
I'm sure trying. I'm not where I want to be but I'm not where I was. Progress, one day at a time. I know there will be down days and blips but hopefully, they will be outnumbered. I just keep telling myself that I can handle anything. Thanks for the positive input. It is always nice to hear it from someone.

26-11-13, 13:21

This is an interesting response as I have taken that same stance/mindset many times concerning some of the stresses in my life. Especially with drama (I hate drama!). When certain things in my life occupy too much of my time or energy in a negative way, I divorce myself from the situation. Most of these situations are out of my control anyway so why bother?

Positive thoughts