View Full Version : Anxiety AFTER exercising?

26-11-13, 15:05

I'd like to know if some of you experience this. After I exercise, I feel a tingling sensation on my all of my face, almost like a burn, but not so severe. I can have this for hours, even days afterwards. I'm not an active person and I'm scared of exercise, but I don't feel particularly stressed during the physical activity. I do too much either. Last time I worked out for 15 minutes at an acceptable pace... I know that this can be an anxiety symptom and I've had anxiety-related skin symptoms in the past. Help!

26-11-13, 15:19
Annie, does it happen when you push yourself a bit harder in your workout?

Is it a feeling like the sun shining hotly on your face? And does your skin actually turn red?

26-11-13, 17:15
It's almost itchy. I feel like there are really small needles poking my skin. The feeling is between pain and itchiness. My face does not turn red. And I don't think it's because I push myself too hard because I don't have this problem while I exercise.

26-11-13, 18:16
i sometimes get this even if i'm only walking

26-11-13, 19:15
Yes I had a few problems when I first got back into exercising, it must have been over a year without strenous exercise and it took a while for my body to get used to the higher demands. The tingling is something similar to what I had in the first few weeks, I found out that it's the capillaries widening to improve circulation around the body. Being inactive for a while can do this. Keep going with the exercise because it will disappear and after month or so you will feel a lot better and reduced anxiety will follow.