View Full Version : Crashed again...6 weeks and now want to change to different ad

26-11-13, 17:21
Can't believe it. I had a good 10 days then bam!!! Feel awful again. Gonna see dr and change to another AD. This is not working for me .

27-11-13, 07:35
So very sorry to hear that. :weep:

10 good days is double what I've managed so far though and I'm in week 4.

27-11-13, 17:25
Upped to 40mg x

27-11-13, 18:10
Stick with it and good luck. I've been reading lots today about citalopram all around the internet. Stories of people after two months plus finding they were finally feeling much better.

I think I'm going to try and stick with it until the new year and see where I'm at since I've not even finished week 4 yet. I have to admit though if the anxiety doesn't start cooling off I'm going to be a bit miffed. Thankfully my doc wants to stay in regular contact so I'll see how I'm doing by next week.

Be strong. I know it's so very very hard.

27-11-13, 18:20
You will have ups and downs in the first couple of months of antidepressants. I made the mistake of going off antidepressants because of a few bad days. Turned out that a combination of excess alcohol, lack of sleep, and caffeine caused me to feel like poop. Try and keep your central nervous system as calm as possible.

27-11-13, 19:21
I'm chilling now. Family, work and friends are aware I need time. Xx

27-11-13, 21:17
That alone sounds like progress.

I find people's expectation to "pull myself together" or as my father says "just push through it" is infuriating and damaging.

Combine this with the apparent time it's going to take for the citalopram to wrestle back control of my mind and you end up with a damaging situation.

Stay strong.