View Full Version : Hi I'm Sarah and a new user!!

26-11-13, 21:10
Hi everyone!

I've been suffering with anxiety and depression for the last year or so. I've recently come off Citalopram and wanted to find out more information about it all really. As they say Knowledge is power!!

Sarah :)

26-11-13, 21:14
Welcome to the forums Sarah I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :) I'm on citalopram myself, please can you explain more about why you have come off it? For example, do you now feel much better than you were before you were on it and that you no longer need it?

26-11-13, 21:22
Hi :welcome:

26-11-13, 21:26
:welcome:theres lots of help and support here

26-11-13, 21:32
Welcome to the forums Sarah I'm sure you'll find plenty of help and support here - I certainly have. :) I'm on citalopram myself, please can you explain more about why you have come off it? For example, do you now feel much better than you were before you were on it and that you no longer need it?

Hi .. thanks for responding.

I was on 40mg a day and started to feel like I was just existing and no longer living my life. I went to the Dr and they said it was ok to come off them. I wanted to remember what it was like to be me again.

I reduced the dose to 20mg per day but the side effects in reducing was too much and I had to have lots of time off work (again) so I asked the Dr if I could come off them cold turkey and they said as long as I was willing to feel pretty rubbish for a while then I could. I agreed and it's now been 3 wks and I still feel pretty rubbish! I'm not sure If i've done the right thing so will go back tom.

What dose are you on and how are they working for you? x:)

26-11-13, 21:38
I've been on 20mg since June and they're working well for me. This is actually my second time on them - I was originally on 10mg for 6 months last year and I thought I was recovered so my doctor said I could come off them, but a few weeks later I suffered a bad relapse so I restarted.

It's good that you're going back to see the doctor tomorrow. Maybe they will be able to find something else that will suit you better. Everyone responds differently to different meds.