View Full Version : Oh No

09-11-06, 10:24
I know i shouldnt, But I have googled.

I googled pressure feeling in head and it has come back with Brain Tumour. The symptoms match mine, even to the sick feelings in the morning, which i always do recently.

A Tumour has been my worry for a year now but the pressure in my head at the moment is so bad that I am beside myself with worry.

Can a brain tumour hang around for a year without the doc realising.
even though i have been to her a billion times. I havent been of late, but i am tempted to go again

Some advise please - i am so scared and am winding myself into a right state ....AGAIN!:([V]

Hay x

09-11-06, 10:43
Hi hayles Hun,

Im positive your symtoms are anxiety, and not a tumour, i have had these symtoms many times, try not to google Hayles.

Take a look at this post it may help:

Fear of tumour... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4890)

Sending you a HUG too !



09-11-06, 10:55
Thanks Andrea
God knows why i goggle as get in such a state but am looking
for reassurance i spose!

Hay x

09-11-06, 11:03
I used to google a lot, drove myself demented! I then tried putting the word "anxiety" at the end of my symptoms I was googling, and found that all my symptoms could be serious but could more likely be anxiety.

Doctors know what they are looking for, and I know it is hard to trust someones opinion (because I struggle with this and think I could have been misdiagnosed from time to time), but try to be reassured by what you have been told previously.

A year is a long time, I'm sure your GP would have picked up on something if you have been back many times, if it were something serious.

Try to be reassured by the sheer amount of people on here that post the same symptoms. But if it makes you feel better, pop back to your GP and get them to check you over again - and if you can, ask them to explain WHY you get these symptoms and WHY they know it isn't anything more serious. Sometimes getting all the facts helps to put things into perspective.

Hope you're feeling better soon.


09-11-06, 11:27
Hi Hayles,

I've got a big box full of reasurrance and it's on it's way to you hun. No more googling or I'll want the box back ok. xxx

Take Care


09-11-06, 11:46
Thanks Mandy.
trying not to google is really hard!

Caroline - I hear you i really do but when the thoughts come back its so hard to listen to reason

Hay x

09-11-06, 12:03
I know! I'm very good at giving out good advice to other people, but I can't make myself listen either!

If it makes you feel better though, go and see your GP. It's what they are there for.

09-11-06, 12:10
I have been on this site now for nearly a year.
I see people come with their probs and then work them out and no longer visit as they dont need too.
I feel like i have been here ages and still suffer with the same.

When is it my turn to leave feeling fine?

Hay x

09-11-06, 15:18
well im the same too hayles.......my symptoms dont seem to give me a break-maybe a couple of days then its back to knock me off my feet again.........this head pressure thing is wicked-i know....this time last year i was at my worst the pressure in my head was unbearable and i had constant headache for weeks....christmas was a very down time for me, i felt so ill.........i eventually paids to have a mri done private-couldnt cope with worry no more....and guess what it was clear......i still have headaches and get the pressure thing-the difference is i dont let it get to me now, i know its just the anxiety.......so you must tell yourself lots of other people have same problem as you-you are not alone...and NO you dont have a tumour!!!
take care i hope the horrible feeling goes soonxxx

09-11-06, 15:38
Hi hayles , stop worrying, i googled recently and was convinced i had mouth cancer, guess what ,seen the dentist everything is fine. So i am now putting myself on a google ban.
Honesly if it was a brain tumour , ayear in you'd have alot more symptoms and be really ill, these symptoms would not go away anxiety has a lot to answer for. Hope you feel better soon hun xx

09-11-06, 15:46
Cheers Kitty. Feeling a little more reasonable this arvo!

Hay x

09-11-06, 16:09
I also had the symptoms of a brain tumour to the fact that i convinced myself that i had five of them. I did have a brain scan and everything came back fine. I think this is a common worry for people that suffer from anxiety. You are probably fine.

sheree ritchie