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View Full Version : Hey guys.. had some bad news yesterday (not me)

27-11-13, 09:50
This might be triggering to some people.

I will warn you now, especially if you have lymphoma fears. Don't scroll down if you don't think you are strong enough to deal with a possible trigger.

My ex husband has non Hodgkin's lymphoma. We have three children together, aged 14, 12 and 10.

Yesterday we found out it has spread to his organs and he only has weeks-a few months to live.

Our children are devastated. I am devastated. It's horrible and unfair and scary.

I am posting this here because I need some advice. My HA started when he got sick, I saw the affect it had on my kids and I am scared that the same will happen to me.

Now they are about to lose their dad I am even more scared I will get cancer and leave them parentless :(

I NEED to be strong for them, I can't go to pieces, my HA can't get the better of me for their sakes but it is trying to.

Does anyone have any advice on how I actually stop that from happening?

Mods, please don't move this. I know it might be in the wrong place, but I am comfortable with the posters here and lots know my history. I really could do with some hand holding.

27-11-13, 10:17
Hypo, I'm so sorry to hear this news. I can't even begin to imagine how difficult it must be for all of you, and you especially thinking about your children. I'll keep you all in thoughts and prayers, and know that you can come here for support through any of this.

What a shock this must be for you :(

I think you could probably use the support of a counsellor for this one, even for just a few weeks to help you deal with the worst of it. If you haven't tried counselling already then know that it's a wonderful help through the toughest parts of life. Even just knowing that there is someone there to help, support and listen when you need it, is so much more beneficial than you can know.

You're already aware of your HA triggers, so do what you can to draw back from irrational thoughts. I get the feeling that knowing your kids are relying on you so much will be more of a balm than you think, for their sake you need to be as rational as possible - that doesn't mean that you can't feel weak or sad, just try to refrain from the overly anxious behaviour that may worry them too.

Come and talk to us about it all, we'll help you wherever we can. If it's getting too much for you to handle then you should talk to your GP about managing the stress of everything in a way that will get you through it x

27-11-13, 10:29
First of all I'm very sorry to hear this news, I wish you all the best in the coming months.

Secondly, you WILL be strong for your children. It's an innate strength we have as parents - it will kick in when you most need it so don't worry about that. I would also suggest a brief chat with your doctor in this instance.

27-11-13, 10:35
I am so sorry too Hypo. What a nightmare situation for you and your children.

I know that as skippy said, you will manage to be strong for your children. With all the fear they are going through, you will be the one constant and reliable source of comfort to them.

But don't neglect yourself - as Honeylove said, please seek counselling to help you through this awful time. You need support too.

I will be thinking of you all x

27-11-13, 11:48
I'm so sorry to hear this Hypo.... I have no advice but I will keep you and yours in my thoughts and prayers.

Positive thoughts and prayers

27-11-13, 13:31
Sorry to hear this. Sending you strength. X

27-11-13, 13:54
So sorry to hear the news. We all are here to support you during this time. You will be strong for your children, and you can do that by being kind to yourself. Make sure to take that time that you need.

27-11-13, 15:15
Sending thoughts and prayers please take care of yourself.Simi

27-11-13, 16:12
Take care and stay strong Hypo:hugs::hugs::hugs:

27-11-13, 17:07
Sorry to hear this news.

27-11-13, 19:13
Sorry to hear about this. I don't know what to say but want to give you all the best wishes. You will be strong for them and in situations like this people find this inner strength they thought they never had!

28-11-13, 02:27
I am so sorry :( you and your family will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers. :hugs:

28-11-13, 08:29
Hypo, I'm so sorry to hear this sad news. I think any parent would share similar concerns, but when you have anxiety these things are that bit harder.

Is your anxiety actually getting worse following this news? I ask because sometimes things like this can blow everything out of the water and you can actually focus on the important stuff OK. Your HA might not necessarily be something you need to worry about here.

Much live to you and your family at this difficult time xx