View Full Version : Road Trip-Out Of My Comfort Zone

27-11-13, 13:08
Today, my partner and I are getting ready to take a 6-8 hour road trip for the Thanksgiving holidays. The is definitely out of my comfort zone, as I generally "what if myself" to death, and create panic attacks for myself.

Panic attacks in a car on a lonely stretch of highway generally make me go to that place of "if something happens to me, there will be no place to get helps". My partner is so looking forward to this trip, as she hasn't seen her family in months. I don't want to ruin this experience for her, and I want to be able to calmly enjoy the trip myself.

What have I done differently today? I have written about and acknowledged my fears and know that they are irrational thoughts. How am I not going to give credence to these irrational thoughts? I have created a list of coping mechanisms and distractions and listed them in my phone.

1. Stretch and deep breathing
2. Listen to a relaxation tape on my IPOD
3. Post on NMP about my journey throughout the day.
4. Write in my journal, debunking any irrational thoughts.
5. Read "Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway".
6. Read a Blog that I have found extremely useful.
7. Readable a book.
8. Listen to music I enjoy.

I will update this post throughout the day. Any coping mechanisms that work for you or other positive suggestions would be welcome. I hope to have a good day and an enjoyable trip.

27-11-13, 13:10
Excellent stuff Tanner. I'm looking forward to hearing all about it!

Have fun x

27-11-13, 13:20
Thanks Katesa! I'm a bit nervous but I feel much better prepared for the day. I hope we have a lovely trip too.

27-11-13, 13:33
You will babe. Just visualise yourself in 12 hours, how relieved you will be and how proud of yourself

27-11-13, 15:54
Well, we're on the road and headed for the interstate. I have already discovered one distraction. I've hooked up my IPAD to my phone as a hotspot and can communicate. No Dr. Google for me today.

27-11-13, 16:47
Will also keep an eye out, and have a great thanksgiving x

27-11-13, 16:59
Thanks Pearl, we are hitting a bit of a snowstorm as we get closer to the mountains but I am distracting myself. I am also telling my partner that she is doing a wonderful job of driving and that I am choosing to trust. I keep reminding myself of how beautiful the snow is, and remembering fun times that I've had in the snow as a child.

27-11-13, 17:04
Brilliant Tanner, Id love to see the snow, we dont get much snow where I live xx and how fab of you for encouraging your partner. Keep up the good work :)

27-11-13, 17:09
Go Tanner! You're doing so well.

PS utterly pointless and irrelevant but when I picture you on your way through the snow, I keep hearing "She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes!" in my head :D Maybe it has some deep hidden meaning like the mountain represents your fear or something......or maybe I'm just fruity-loops.

27-11-13, 17:31
I laughed out loud when I read this, Katesa. We have been listening to Christmas carols so if I hear this one come on, I will utterly howl. Another distraction that I didn't list - laughter!

27-11-13, 17:43
You're kickin' "A" Tanner.... btw... what mountains are you talking about? I live in the Shenandoah Valley and have the Blue Ridge right in my backyard. If you're heading to GA then that's the Southern end of the range....

27-11-13, 17:48
Just now heading out of Kentucky and heading into the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee. I've spent a lot of time up in the Blue Ridge Mountains when I lived in Atlanta. Gorgeous mountain area, Fishmanpa!

One state down, two to go, and not an inkling of anxiety. WooHoo!

27-11-13, 18:28
Ahhh the Smokies... I know them well... I've been to Nashville more times than I can count and drove through them. Beautiful area!

Safe travels Tanner!

Positive thoughts

27-11-13, 20:48
Very jealous of the places you have been too. Its a bit boring here in the uk xxxx hows ur journey been Tanner x

27-11-13, 20:57
My journey has been quite nice, Pearl. Just finished up lunch at a nice little cafe outsie of Chattanooga, TN and we are headed for Atlanta. A couple of hours away if traffic isn't too bad. All of my coping mechanisms have worked well and I'm enjoying the trip. Thanks for asking!

27-11-13, 21:07
Well done. Im really pleased for you amd hope you have given yourself the boost to keep being strong and enjoy xxxx

28-11-13, 00:30
Just wanted to say that we made it to Atlanta. Not one real bit of anxiety. Just goes to show what we can all do with a plan and facing the fear. Thanks to all of you that followed my journey today.

28-11-13, 00:34
Just wanted to say that we made it to Atlanta. Not one real bit of anxiety. Just goes to show what we can all do with a plan and facing the fear. Thanks to all of you that followed my journey today.

:yesyes: Have a nice Thanksgiving... there's much to be thankful for.

28-11-13, 08:54
Excellent Tanner. The best thing is that the journey back will be easier still. You've just expanded your comfort zone - well done.

Granny Primark
28-11-13, 09:00
Very well done tanner!!!:yesyes:
I sit in the back of the car watch dvds, Do crosswords and wordsearch, text people and play with a game called Bopit.

28-11-13, 09:12
Love Bop-it. I wouldn't if I was the driver of that car though… :)

Granny Primark has the right technique though - distraction works wonders. This combined with total acceptance of the symptoms when they do appear are the only coping strategies you really need. Using things like Valium makes you think the drug did the work, not you.