View Full Version : Breast Cancer - Don't read if its your fear!

27-11-13, 16:04
Some of you may remember that I posted on here about 2 weeks ago saying my Mum had been called back for a second mammogram. Well she went today and they took a biopsy as she has an area that looks different. The area is about 2-3 cms long and they said they think it is cancer :-( I'm so scared and worried :-( thinking she could die :-(

27-11-13, 16:56
So sorry to hear that. Breast cancer has an incredibly high survival rate (im sure the five year rate is around an amazing 90%).

Best wishes to you and your mum x

27-11-13, 17:06
I am sorry to hear this. I don't know much about breast cancer being a male, but aware that I need to be aware of what to look out for, symptoms etc.

Also best wishes to you and your mum

27-11-13, 17:13
Bumblegirl I am so sorry. How awful and stressful for both of you.

First off, I have to say that nobody has cancer until they are diagnosed. She may still be having a false alarm.

If however she does have breast cancer then as roxy rightly said, it is one of the most treatable cancers out there with fantastic survival rates. I know three ladies in person who each beat it (two Aunts and a good friend).

As scary as this is for you, it is probably even more scary for your Mum. Be brave honey and resolve that no matter what, if she does have cancer, you will hold her hand while she kicks it's unwelcome ass x

27-11-13, 17:18
Bumblegirl I am so sorry to read this and it must be very worrying for you and your Mum. Hopefully it won't be cancer but if it is then like others have said there is a high survival rate especially when caught early. Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs:

27-11-13, 18:44
Thank you for all your replies. I know I must stay strong for her just can't help thinking the worst :( I'm so badly hoping they are wrong and it isn't xx

27-11-13, 18:48
There are a few ladies in my life that have "had" breast cancer. No doubt it's scary when it's someone close to you. Know this...... it's very treatable and cure rates are high. The rule is "It's not cancer until they say it is". Let's hope it's not, but if it is, you need to be strong for her. You got this ya hear?!

Positive thoughts

27-11-13, 19:04
Best of wishes. My partners Nan has just been diagnosed and it's horrible but keep strong and like others have said, survival rate is high. Fingers crossed for you both x

28-11-13, 09:51
Thank you. Well my Mum said its tissue not a lump so I'm assuming that's a good thing because its obviously so early. Shows how important mammograms are xx