View Full Version : ribs. advice please!!

27-11-13, 20:27
Im 29 and female. 6 weeks ago my mother passed away from breast cancer which had spread to her liver and bones. She was 55.
I thought my anxiety was under control. I havent used this site for ages but something is really bothering me. For months I have been getting an intermittent pain in my ribs on my right side. JUST underneath my breast. It comes and goes and isnt particularly painful. It's just there and I notice it. Now this last week, Im not sure if the pain has got worse, or my anxiety has made the pain seem worse. But Im definitely feeling it more. If it was muscular, or bruised ribs, surely it would have cleared up after months??? I dont remember injuring it anyway.

I dont feel any pain when breathing (I can take a very deep breath and not feel the pain in my ribs), or yawning, or coughing. Also it doesnt hurt to touch (and Ive poked really hard!!!). These are good points right? If it was something sinister, it would hurt to breathe and cough? The only time I feel it is when I twist my torso, or bend in a certain position. Does that mean it's muscular or skeletal as when Im still, it doesnt hurt?

Also, logically speaking I could maybe explain it. I work in a school at lunchtime and spend about an hour swinging a skipping rope furiously with my right arm. And I mean, fast, vigourous swinging. Could this be some kind of repetitive strain injury or something? I dont know whether swinging a skipping rope could effect my ribs, but it does take a lot of body effort, and all the pain is on my right, which is the side I use.

I know I'm only worried about it because of my mum. But that doesnt make it any less real for me. Im terrified of following the same path as her.

I would love someone to tell me my rib pain isnt serious because it only hurts when I twist and not when I breathe.

27-11-13, 20:37
Im 29 and female. 6 weeks ago my mother passed away from breast cancer which had spread to her liver and bones. She was 55.
I thought my anxiety was under control. I havent used this site for ages but something is really bothering me. For months I have been getting an intermittent pain in my ribs on my right side. JUST underneath my breast. It comes and goes and isnt particularly painful. It's just there and I notice it. Now this last week, Im not sure if the pain has got worse, or my anxiety has made the pain seem worse. But Im definitely feeling it more. If it was muscular, or bruised ribs, surely it would have cleared up after months??? I dont remember injuring it anyway.

I dont feel any pain when breathing (I can take a very deep breath and not feel the pain in my ribs), or yawning, or coughing. Also it doesnt hurt to touch (and Ive poked really hard!!!). These are good points right? If it was something sinister, it would hurt to breathe and cough? The only time I feel it is when I twist my torso, or bend in a certain position. Does that mean it's muscular or skeletal as when Im still, it doesnt hurt?

Also, logically speaking I could maybe explain it. I work in a school at lunchtime and spend about an hour swinging a skipping rope furiously with my right arm. And I mean, fast, vigourous swinging. Could this be some kind of repetitive strain injury or something? I dont know whether swinging a skipping rope could effect my ribs, but it does take a lot of body effort, and all the pain is on my right, which is the side I use.

I know I'm only worried about it because of my mum. But that doesnt make it any less real for me. Im terrified of following the same path as her.

I would love someone to tell me my rib pain isnt serious because it only hurts when I twist and not when I breathe.

Sorry about your Mom :( I can understand your fear but I believe you answered your own question in your post. I'm not a doctor but it does sound muscular-skeletal in nature.

Dang... and I thought this might be a post on cooking ribs.... I have a heck of a recipe for smoked baby backs ;)

Positive thoughts!

27-11-13, 21:16
WHY DO I DO THESE THINGS???? I just googled bone cancer and now Im sure I have it. My mums breast cancer spread to her bones.

28-11-13, 14:29
So stressing that this isn't just a pulled muscle. how do I know its not bone cancer?

28-11-13, 14:40
It sounds muscular to me as well. You can have muscle/joint pain and twinges for ages. I guess it could be from the skipping rope thing if it's a repetitive and slightly awkward/unnatural movement for your body to be doing. I have an odd twinge in my groin which I was worried about until I realised it was from the way I was sitting on our new sofa!